Kubernetes-native declarative infrastructure for OpenStack.
For documentation, see the Cluster API Provider OpenStack book.
What is the Cluster API Provider OpenStack
The Cluster API brings declarative, Kubernetes-style APIs to cluster creation, configuration and management.
The API itself is shared across multiple cloud providers allowing for true OpenStack hybrid deployments of Kubernetes. It is built atop the lessons learned from previous cluster managers such as kops and kubicorn.
Launching a Kubernetes cluster on OpenStack
- Check out the Cluster API Quick Start to create your first Kubernetes cluster on OpenStack using Cluster API. If you wish to use the external cloud provider, check out the External Cloud Provider as well.
- Native Kubernetes manifests and API
- Choice of Linux distribution (as long as a current cloud-init is available)
- Support for single and multi-node control plane clusters
- Deploy clusters with and without LBaaS available (only cluster with LBaaS can be upgraded)
- Support for security groups
- cloud-init based nodes bootstrapping
Compatibility with Cluster API
This provider’s versions are compatible with the following versions of Cluster API:
v1beta1 (v1.x) | |
OpenStack Provider v1alpha7 (v0.9) | ✓ |
OpenStack Provider v1beta1 | ✓ |
Each version of Cluster API for OpenStack will attempt to support two Kubernetes versions.
NOTE: As the versioning for this project is tied to the versioning of Cluster API, future modifications to this policy may be made to more closely aligned with other providers in the Cluster API ecosystem.
NOTE: The minimum microversion of CAPI using nova is 2.60
now due to server tags
support as well permitting multiattach
volume types, see code for additional information.
NOTE: We require Keystone v3 for authentication.
Development versions
ClusterAPI provider OpenStack images and manifests are published after every PR merge and once every day:
- With a Google Cloud account you can get a quick overview here
- The manifests are available under:
- master/infrastructure-components.yaml: latest build from the main branch, overwritten after every merge
- e.g. nightly_master_20210407/infrastructure-components.yaml: build of the main branch from 7th April
These artifacts are published via Prow and Google Cloud Build. The corresponding job definitions can be found here.
Operating system images
Note: Cluster API Provider OpenStack relies on a few prerequisites which have to be already installed in the used operating system images, e.g. a container runtime, kubelet, kubeadm,.. . Reference images can be found in kubernetes-sigs/image-builder. If it isn’t possible to pre-install those prerequisites in the image, you can always deploy and execute some custom scripts through the KubeadmConfig.
Please see our book for in-depth documentation.
Getting involved and contributing
Are you interested in contributing to cluster-api-provider-openstack? We, the maintainers and community, would love your suggestions, contributions, and help! Also, the maintainers can be contacted at any time to learn more about how to get involved:
- via the cluster-api-openstack channel on Kubernetes Slack
- via the SIG-Cluster-Lifecycle Mailing List.
- during our Office Hours
- bi-weekly on Wednesdays @ 14:00 UTC on Zoom (link in meeting notes)
- Previous meetings:
In the interest of getting more new people involved we try to tag issues with
good first issue
These are typically issues that have smaller scope but are good ways to start
to get acquainted with the codebase.
We also encourage ALL active community participants to act as if they are maintainers, even if you don’t have “official” write permissions. This is a community effort, we are here to serve the Kubernetes community. If you have an active interest and you want to get involved, you have real power! Don’t assume that the only people who can get things done around here are the “maintainers”.
We also would love to add more “official” maintainers, so show us what you can do!
This repository uses the Kubernetes bots. See a full list of the commands here. Please also refer to the Contribution Guide and the Development Guide for this project.
Code of conduct
Participation in the Kubernetes community is governed by the Kubernetes Code of Conduct.
Github issues
If you think you have found a bug please follow the instructions below.
- Please spend a small amount of time giving due diligence to the issue tracker. Your issue might be a duplicate.
- Get the logs from the cluster controllers. Please paste this into your issue.
- Open a new issue.
- Remember that users might be searching for your issue in the future, so please give it a meaningful title to help others.
- Feel free to reach out to the Cluster API community on the Kubernetes Slack.
Tracking new features
We also use the issue tracker to track features. If you have an idea for a feature, or think you can help Cluster API Provider OpenStack become even more awesome follow the steps below.
- Open a new issue.
- Remember that users might be searching for your issue in the future, so please give it a meaningful title to help others.
- Clearly define the use case, using concrete examples.
- Some of our larger features will require some design. If you would like to include a technical design for your feature, please include it in the issue.
- After the new feature is well understood, and the design agreed upon, we can start coding the feature. We would love for you to code it. So please open up a WIP (work in progress) pull request, and happy coding.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
Getting Started
Quick Start
In this tutorial we’ll cover the basics of how to use Cluster API to create one or more Kubernetes clusters.
There are two major quickstart paths: Using clusterctl or the Cluster API Operator.
This article describes a path that uses the clusterctl
CLI tool to handle the lifecycle of a Cluster API management cluster.
The clusterctl command line interface is specifically designed for providing a simple “day 1 experience” and a quick start with Cluster API. It automates fetching the YAML files defining provider components and installing them.
Additionally it encodes a set of best practices in managing providers, that helps the user in avoiding mis-configurations or in managing day 2 operations such as upgrades.
The Cluster API Operator is a Kubernetes Operator built on top of clusterctl and designed to empower cluster administrators to handle the lifecycle of Cluster API providers within a management cluster using a declarative approach. It aims to improve user experience in deploying and managing Cluster API, making it easier to handle day-to-day tasks and automate workflows with GitOps. Visit the CAPI Operator quickstart if you want to experiment with this tool.
Common Prerequisites
Install and/or configure a Kubernetes cluster
Cluster API requires an existing Kubernetes cluster accessible via kubectl. During the installation process the Kubernetes cluster will be transformed into a management cluster by installing the Cluster API provider components, so it is recommended to keep it separated from any application workload.
It is a common practice to create a temporary, local bootstrap cluster which is then used to provision a target management cluster on the selected infrastructure provider.
Choose one of the options below:
Existing Management Cluster
For production use-cases a “real” Kubernetes cluster should be used with appropriate backup and disaster recovery policies and procedures in place. The Kubernetes cluster must be at least v1.20.0.
export KUBECONFIG=<...>
kind can be used for creating a local Kubernetes cluster for development environments or for the creation of a temporary bootstrap cluster used to provision a target management cluster on the selected infrastructure provider.
The installation procedure depends on the version of kind; if you are planning to use the Docker infrastructure provider, please follow the additional instructions in the dedicated tab:
Create the kind cluster:
kind create cluster
Test to ensure the local kind cluster is ready:
kubectl cluster-info
Run the following command to create a kind config file for allowing the Docker provider to access Docker on the host:
cat > kind-cluster-with-extramounts.yaml <<EOF kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4 networking: ipFamily: dual nodes: - role: control-plane extraMounts: - hostPath: /var/run/docker.sock containerPath: /var/run/docker.sock EOF
Then follow the instruction for your kind version using
kind create cluster --config kind-cluster-with-extramounts.yaml
to create the management cluster using the above file.Create the Kind Cluster
KubeVirt is a cloud native virtualization solution. The virtual machines we’re going to create and use for the workload cluster’s nodes, are actually running within pods in the management cluster. In order to communicate with the workload cluster’s API server, we’ll need to expose it. We are using Kind which is a limited environment. The easiest way to expose the workload cluster’s API server (a pod within a node running in a VM that is itself running within a pod in the management cluster, that is running inside a Docker container), is to use a LoadBalancer service.
To allow using a LoadBalancer service, we can’t use the kind’s default CNI (kindnet), but we’ll need to install another CNI, like Calico. In order to do that, we’ll need first to initiate the kind cluster with two modifications:
- Disable the default CNI
- Add the Docker credentials to the cluster, to avoid the Docker Hub pull rate limit of the calico images; read more about it in the docker documentation, and in the kind documentation.
Create a configuration file for kind. Please notice the Docker config file path, and adjust it to your local setting:
cat <<EOF > kind-config.yaml kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4 networking: # the default CNI will not be installed disableDefaultCNI: true nodes: - role: control-plane extraMounts: - containerPath: /var/lib/kubelet/config.json hostPath: <YOUR DOCKER CONFIG FILE PATH> EOF
Now, create the kind cluster with the configuration file:
kind create cluster --config=kind-config.yaml
Test to ensure the local kind cluster is ready:
kubectl cluster-info
Install the Calico CNI
Now we’ll need to install a CNI. In this example, we’re using calico, but other CNIs should work as well. Please see calico installation guide for more details (use the “Manifest” tab). Below is an example of how to install calico version v3.29.1.
Use the Calico manifest to create the required resources; e.g.:
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectcalico/calico/v3.29.1/manifests/calico.yaml
Install clusterctl
The clusterctl CLI tool handles the lifecycle of a Cluster API management cluster.
Install clusterctl binary with curl on Linux
If you are unsure you can determine your computers architecture by running uname -a
Download for AMD64:
curl -L https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/releases/download/v1.9.6/clusterctl-linux-amd64 -o clusterctl
Download for ARM64:
curl -L https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/releases/download/v1.9.6/clusterctl-linux-arm64 -o clusterctl
Download for PPC64LE:
curl -L https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/releases/download/v1.9.6/clusterctl-linux-ppc64le -o clusterctl
Install clusterctl:
sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 clusterctl /usr/local/bin/clusterctl
Test to ensure the version you installed is up-to-date:
clusterctl version
Install clusterctl binary with curl on macOS
If you are unsure you can determine your computers architecture by running uname -a
Download for AMD64:
curl -L https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/releases/download/v1.9.6/clusterctl-darwin-amd64 -o clusterctl
Download for M1 CPU (“Apple Silicon”) / ARM64:
curl -L https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/releases/download/v1.9.6/clusterctl-darwin-arm64 -o clusterctl
Make the clusterctl binary executable.
chmod +x ./clusterctl
Move the binary in to your PATH.
sudo mv ./clusterctl /usr/local/bin/clusterctl
Test to ensure the version you installed is up-to-date:
clusterctl version
Install clusterctl with homebrew on macOS and Linux
Install the latest release using homebrew:
brew install clusterctl
Test to ensure the version you installed is up-to-date:
clusterctl version
Install clusterctl binary with curl on Windows using PowerShell
Go to the working directory where you want clusterctl downloaded.
Download the latest release; on Windows, type:
curl.exe -L https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/releases/download/v1.9.6/clusterctl-windows-amd64.exe -o clusterctl.exe
Append or prepend the path of that directory to the PATH
environment variable.
Test to ensure the version you installed is up-to-date:
clusterctl.exe version
Initialize the management cluster
Now that we’ve got clusterctl installed and all the prerequisites in place, let’s transform the Kubernetes cluster
into a management cluster by using clusterctl init
The command accepts as input a list of providers to install; when executed for the first time, clusterctl init
automatically adds to the list the cluster-api
core provider, and if unspecified, it also adds the kubeadm
and kubeadm
control-plane providers.
Enabling Feature Gates
Feature gates can be enabled by exporting environment variables before executing clusterctl init
For example, the ClusterTopology
feature, which is required to enable support for managed topologies and ClusterClass,
can be enabled via:
Additional documentation about experimental features can be found in Experimental Features.
Initialization for common providers
Depending on the infrastructure provider you are planning to use, some additional prerequisites should be satisfied before getting started with Cluster API. See below for the expected settings for common providers.
export LINODE_TOKEN=<your-access-token>
# Initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure linode-linode
Download the latest binary of clusterawsadm
from the AWS provider releases. The clusterawsadm command line utility assists with identity and access management (IAM) for Cluster API Provider AWS.
Download the latest release; on Linux, type:
curl -L https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-aws/releases/download/v0.0.0/clusterawsadm-linux-amd64 -o clusterawsadm
Make it executable
chmod +x clusterawsadm
Move the binary to a directory present in your PATH
sudo mv clusterawsadm /usr/local/bin
Check version to confirm installation
clusterawsadm version
Example Usage
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1 # This is used to help encode your environment variables
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-access-key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-secret-access-key>
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<session-token> # If you are using Multi-Factor Auth.
# The clusterawsadm utility takes the credentials that you set as environment
# variables and uses them to create a CloudFormation stack in your AWS account
# with the correct IAM resources.
clusterawsadm bootstrap iam create-cloudformation-stack
# Create the base64 encoded credentials using clusterawsadm.
# This command uses your environment variables and encodes
# them in a value to be stored in a Kubernetes Secret.
export AWS_B64ENCODED_CREDENTIALS=$(clusterawsadm bootstrap credentials encode-as-profile)
# Finally, initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure aws
Download the latest release; on macOs, type:
curl -L https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-aws/releases/download/v0.0.0/clusterawsadm-darwin-amd64 -o clusterawsadm
Or if your Mac has an M1 CPU (”Apple Silicon”):
curl -L https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-aws/releases/download/v0.0.0/clusterawsadm-darwin-arm64 -o clusterawsadm
Make it executable
chmod +x clusterawsadm
Move the binary to a directory present in your PATH
sudo mv clusterawsadm /usr/local/bin
Check version to confirm installation
clusterawsadm version
Example Usage
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1 # This is used to help encode your environment variables
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-access-key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-secret-access-key>
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<session-token> # If you are using Multi-Factor Auth.
# The clusterawsadm utility takes the credentials that you set as environment
# variables and uses them to create a CloudFormation stack in your AWS account
# with the correct IAM resources.
clusterawsadm bootstrap iam create-cloudformation-stack
# Create the base64 encoded credentials using clusterawsadm.
# This command uses your environment variables and encodes
# them in a value to be stored in a Kubernetes Secret.
export AWS_B64ENCODED_CREDENTIALS=$(clusterawsadm bootstrap credentials encode-as-profile)
# Finally, initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure aws
Install the latest release using homebrew:
brew install clusterawsadm
Check version to confirm installation
clusterawsadm version
Example Usage
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1 # This is used to help encode your environment variables
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-access-key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-secret-access-key>
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<session-token> # If you are using Multi-Factor Auth.
# The clusterawsadm utility takes the credentials that you set as environment
# variables and uses them to create a CloudFormation stack in your AWS account
# with the correct IAM resources.
clusterawsadm bootstrap iam create-cloudformation-stack
# Create the base64 encoded credentials using clusterawsadm.
# This command uses your environment variables and encodes
# them in a value to be stored in a Kubernetes Secret.
export AWS_B64ENCODED_CREDENTIALS=$(clusterawsadm bootstrap credentials encode-as-profile)
# Finally, initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure aws
Download the latest release; on Windows, type:
curl.exe -L https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-aws/releases/download/v0.0.0/clusterawsadm-windows-amd64.exe -o clusterawsadm.exe
Append or prepend the path of that directory to the PATH
environment variable.
Check version to confirm installation
clusterawsadm.exe version
Example Usage in Powershell
$Env:AWS_REGION="us-east-1" # This is used to help encode your environment variables
$Env:AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="<session-token>" # If you are using Multi-Factor Auth.
# The clusterawsadm utility takes the credentials that you set as environment
# variables and uses them to create a CloudFormation stack in your AWS account
# with the correct IAM resources.
clusterawsadm bootstrap iam create-cloudformation-stack
# Create the base64 encoded credentials using clusterawsadm.
# This command uses your environment variables and encodes
# them in a value to be stored in a Kubernetes Secret.
$Env:AWS_B64ENCODED_CREDENTIALS=$(clusterawsadm bootstrap credentials encode-as-profile)
# Finally, initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure aws
See the AWS provider prerequisites document for more details.
For more information about authorization, AAD, or requirements for Azure, visit the Azure provider prerequisites document.
export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<SubscriptionId>"
# Create an Azure Service Principal and paste the output here
export AZURE_TENANT_ID="<Tenant>"
export AZURE_CLIENT_ID="<AppId>"
export AZURE_CLIENT_ID_USER_ASSIGNED_IDENTITY=$AZURE_CLIENT_ID # for compatibility with CAPZ v1.16 templates
export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET="<Password>"
# Settings needed for AzureClusterIdentity used by the AzureCluster
export AZURE_CLUSTER_IDENTITY_SECRET_NAME="cluster-identity-secret"
export CLUSTER_IDENTITY_NAME="cluster-identity"
# Create a secret to include the password of the Service Principal identity created in Azure
# This secret will be referenced by the AzureClusterIdentity used by the AzureCluster
kubectl create secret generic "${AZURE_CLUSTER_IDENTITY_SECRET_NAME}" --from-literal=clientSecret="${AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET}" --namespace "${AZURE_CLUSTER_IDENTITY_SECRET_NAMESPACE}"
# Finally, initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure azure
Create a file named cloud-config in the repo’s root directory, substituting in your own environment’s values
api-url = <cloudstackApiUrl>
api-key = <cloudstackApiKey>
secret-key = <cloudstackSecretKey>
Create the base64 encoded credentials by catting your credentials file. This command uses your environment variables and encodes them in a value to be stored in a Kubernetes Secret.
export CLOUDSTACK_B64ENCODED_SECRET=`cat cloud-config | base64 | tr -d '\n'`
Finally, initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure cloudstack
export DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your-access-token>
export DO_B64ENCODED_CREDENTIALS="$(echo -n "${DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN}" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
# Initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure digitalocean
The Docker provider requires the ClusterTopology
and MachinePool
features to deploy ClusterClass-based clusters.
We are only supporting ClusterClass-based cluster-templates in this quickstart as ClusterClass makes it possible to
adapt configuration based on Kubernetes version. This is required to install Kubernetes clusters < v1.24 and
for the upgrade from v1.23 to v1.24 as we have to use different cgroupDrivers depending on Kubernetes version.
# Enable the experimental Cluster topology feature.
# Initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure docker
In order to initialize the Equinix Metal Provider (formerly Packet) you have to expose the environment
. This variable is used to authorize the infrastructure
provider manager against the Equinix Metal API. You can retrieve your token directly
from the Equinix Metal Console.
export PACKET_API_KEY="34ts3g4s5g45gd45dhdh"
clusterctl init --infrastructure packet
# Create the base64 encoded credentials by catting your credentials json.
# This command uses your environment variables and encodes
# them in a value to be stored in a Kubernetes Secret.
export GCP_B64ENCODED_CREDENTIALS=$( cat /path/to/gcp-credentials.json | base64 | tr -d '\n' )
# Finally, initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure gcp
clusterctl init --infrastructure harvester-harvester
For more information, please visit the Harvester project.
Please visit the Hetzner project.
Please visit the Hivelocity project.
# Please ensure that the values for `CLOUD_SDK_AK` and `CLOUD_SDK_SK` are base64 encoded.
export CLOUD_SDK_AK=$( echo $AccessKey | base64 | tr -d '\n' )
export CLOUD_SDK_SK=$( echo $SecretKey | base64 | tr -d '\n' )
# Finally, initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure huawei
In order to initialize the IBM Cloud Provider you have to expose the environment
. This variable is used to authorize the infrastructure
provider manager against the IBM Cloud API. To create one from the UI, refer here.
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<you_api_key>
# Finally, initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure ibmcloud
The IONOS Cloud credentials are configured in the IONOSCloudCluster
Therefore, there is no need to specify them during the provider initialization.
clusterctl init --infrastructure ionoscloud-ionoscloud
For more information, please visit the IONOS Cloud project.
# Initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure k0sproject-k0smotron
# Initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure kubekey
Please visit the KubeVirt project for more information.
As described above, we want to use a LoadBalancer service in order to expose the workload cluster’s API server. In the example below, we will use MetalLB solution to implement load balancing to our kind cluster. Other solution should work as well.
Install MetalLB for load balancing
Install MetalLB, as described here; for example:
METALLB_VER=$(curl "https://api.github.com/repos/metallb/metallb/releases/latest" | jq -r ".tag_name")
kubectl apply -f "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metallb/metallb/${METALLB_VER}/config/manifests/metallb-native.yaml"
kubectl wait pods -n metallb-system -l app=metallb,component=controller --for=condition=Ready --timeout=10m
kubectl wait pods -n metallb-system -l app=metallb,component=speaker --for=condition=Ready --timeout=2m
Now, we’ll create the IPAddressPool
and the L2Advertisement
custom resources. For that, we’ll need to set the IP
range. First, we’ll read the kind
network in order to find its subnet:
SUBNET=$(docker network inspect -f '{{range .IPAM.Config}}{{if .Gateway}}{{.Subnet}}{{end}}{{end}}' kind)
PREFIX=$(echo $SUBNET | sed -E 's|^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\..*$|\1|g')
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: IPAddressPool
name: capi-ip-pool
namespace: metallb-system
- ${PREFIX}.255.200-${PREFIX}.255.250
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: L2Advertisement
name: empty
namespace: metallb-system
Install KubeVirt on the kind cluster
# get KubeVirt version
KV_VER=$(curl "https://api.github.com/repos/kubevirt/kubevirt/releases/latest" | jq -r ".tag_name")
# deploy required CRDs
kubectl apply -f "https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/releases/download/${KV_VER}/kubevirt-operator.yaml"
# deploy the KubeVirt custom resource
kubectl apply -f "https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/releases/download/${KV_VER}/kubevirt-cr.yaml"
kubectl wait -n kubevirt kv kubevirt --for=condition=Available --timeout=10m
Initialize the management cluster with the KubeVirt Provider
clusterctl init --infrastructure kubevirt
Please visit the Metal3 project.
Please follow the Cluster API Provider for Nutanix Getting Started Guide
Please follow the Cluster API Provider for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Getting Started Guide
# Initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure opennebula
Please visit OpenNebula Cluster API Provider Wiki.
Cluster API Provider OpenStack depends on openstack-resource-controller since v0.12.
# Install ORC (needed for CAPO >=v0.12)
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/k-orc/openstack-resource-controller/releases/latest/download/install.yaml
# Initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure openstack
export OSC_SECRET_KEY=<your-secret-key>
export OSC_ACCESS_KEY=<your-access-key>
export OSC_REGION=<you-region>
# Create namespace
kubectl create namespace cluster-api-provider-outscale-system
# Create secret
kubectl create secret generic cluster-api-provider-outscale --from-literal=access_key=${OSC_ACCESS_KEY} --from-literal=secret_key=${OSC_SECRET_KEY} --from-literal=region=${OSC_REGION} -n cluster-api-provider-outscale-system
# Initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure outscale
The Proxmox credentials are optional, when creating a cluster they can be set in the ProxmoxCluster
if you do not set them here.
# The host for the Proxmox cluster
export PROXMOX_URL="https://pve.example:8006"
# The Proxmox token ID to access the remote Proxmox endpoint
export PROXMOX_TOKEN='root@pam!capi'
# The secret associated with the token ID
# You may want to set this in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cluster-api/clusterctl.yaml` so your password is not in
# bash history
export PROXMOX_SECRET="1234-1234-1234-1234"
# Finally, initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure proxmox --ipam in-cluster
For more information about the CAPI provider for Proxmox, see the Proxmox project.
Please follow the Cluster API Provider for Cloud Director Getting Started Guide
# Initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure vcd
clusterctl init --infrastructure vcluster
Please follow the Cluster API Provider for vcluster Quick Start Guide
# Initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure virtink
# The username used to access the remote vSphere endpoint
export VSPHERE_USERNAME="vi-admin@vsphere.local"
# The password used to access the remote vSphere endpoint
# You may want to set this in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cluster-api/clusterctl.yaml` so your password is not in
# bash history
export VSPHERE_PASSWORD="admin!23"
# Finally, initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure vsphere
For more information about prerequisites, credentials management, or permissions for vSphere, see the vSphere project.
export VULTR_API_KEY="$(echo -n "${VULTR_API_KEY}" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
# initialize the management cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure vultr-vultr
The output of clusterctl init
is similar to this:
Fetching providers
Installing cert-manager Version="v1.11.0"
Waiting for cert-manager to be available...
Installing Provider="cluster-api" Version="v1.0.0" TargetNamespace="capi-system"
Installing Provider="bootstrap-kubeadm" Version="v1.0.0" TargetNamespace="capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system"
Installing Provider="control-plane-kubeadm" Version="v1.0.0" TargetNamespace="capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system"
Installing Provider="infrastructure-docker" Version="v1.0.0" TargetNamespace="capd-system"
Your management cluster has been initialized successfully!
You can now create your first workload cluster by running the following:
clusterctl generate cluster [name] --kubernetes-version [version] | kubectl apply -f -
Create your first workload cluster
Once the management cluster is ready, you can create your first workload cluster.
Preparing the workload cluster configuration
The clusterctl generate cluster
command returns a YAML template for creating a workload cluster.
Required configuration for common providers
Depending on the infrastructure provider you are planning to use, some additional prerequisites should be satisfied before configuring a cluster with Cluster API. Instructions are provided for common providers below.
Otherwise, you can look at the clusterctl generate cluster
command documentation for details about how to
discover the list of variables required by a cluster templates.
export LINODE_REGION=us-ord
export LINODE_TOKEN=<your linode PAT>
export LINODE_MACHINE_TYPE=g6-standard-2
See the Akamai (Linode) provider for more information.
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
export AWS_SSH_KEY_NAME=default
# Select instance types
export AWS_NODE_MACHINE_TYPE=t3.large
See the AWS provider prerequisites document for more details.
# Name of the Azure datacenter location. Change this value to your desired location.
export AZURE_LOCATION="centralus"
# Select VM types.
export AZURE_NODE_MACHINE_TYPE="Standard_D2s_v3"
# [Optional] Select resource group. The default value is ${CLUSTER_NAME}.
export AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP="<ResourceGroupName>"
A Cluster API compatible image must be available in your CloudStack installation. For instructions on how to build a compatible image see image-builder (CloudStack)
Prebuilt images can be found here
To see all required CloudStack environment variables execute:
clusterctl generate cluster --infrastructure cloudstack --list-variables capi-quickstart
Apart from the script, the following CloudStack environment variables are required.
# Set this to the name of the zone in which to deploy the cluster
export CLOUDSTACK_ZONE_NAME=<zone name>
# The name of the network on which the VMs will reside
export CLOUDSTACK_NETWORK_NAME=<network name>
# The endpoint of the workload cluster
export CLUSTER_ENDPOINT_IP=<cluster endpoint address>
export CLUSTER_ENDPOINT_PORT=<cluster endpoint port>
# The service offering of the control plane nodes
export CLOUDSTACK_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_OFFERING=<control plane service offering name>
# The service offering of the worker nodes
export CLOUDSTACK_WORKER_MACHINE_OFFERING=<worker node service offering name>
# The capi compatible template to use
export CLOUDSTACK_TEMPLATE_NAME=<template name>
# The ssh key to use to log into the nodes
export CLOUDSTACK_SSH_KEY_NAME=<ssh key name>
A full configuration reference can be found in configuration.md.
A ClusterAPI compatible image must be available in your DigitalOcean account. For instructions on how to build a compatible image see image-builder.
export DO_REGION=nyc1
export DO_SSH_KEY_FINGERPRINT=<your-ssh-key-fingerprint>
export DO_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_IMAGE=<your-capi-image-id>
export DO_NODE_MACHINE_TYPE=s-2vcpu-2gb
export DO_NODE_MACHINE_IMAGE==<your-capi-image-id>
The Docker provider does not require additional configurations for cluster templates.
However, if you require special network settings you can set the following environment variables:
# The list of service CIDR, default [""]
export SERVICE_CIDR=[""]
# The list of pod CIDR, default [""]
export POD_CIDR=[""]
# The service domain, default "cluster.local"
export SERVICE_DOMAIN="k8s.test"
It is also possible but not recommended to disable the per-default enabled Pod Security Standard:
There are several required variables you need to set to create a cluster. There are also a few optional tunables if you’d like to change the OS or CIDRs used.
# Required (made up examples shown)
# The project where your cluster will be placed to.
# You have to get one from the Equinix Metal Console if you don't have one already.
export PROJECT_ID="2b59569f-10d1-49a6-a000-c2fb95a959a1"
# This can help to take advantage of automated, interconnected bare metal across our global metros.
export METRO="da"
# What plan to use for your control plane nodes
export CONTROLPLANE_NODE_TYPE="m3.small.x86"
# What plan to use for your worker nodes
export WORKER_NODE_TYPE="m3.small.x86"
# The ssh key you would like to have access to the nodes
export SSH_KEY="ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIDvMgVEubPLztrvVKgNPnRe9sZSjAqaYj9nmCkgr4PdK username@computer"
export CLUSTER_NAME="my-cluster"
# Optional (defaults shown)
export NODE_OS="ubuntu_18_04"
export POD_CIDR=""
export SERVICE_CIDR=""
# Only relevant if using the kube-vip flavor
export KUBE_VIP_VERSION="v0.5.0"
# Name of the GCP datacenter location. Change this value to your desired location
# Make sure to use same Kubernetes version here as building the GCE image
# This is the image you built. See https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/image-builder
export IMAGE_ID=projects/$GCP_PROJECT/global/images/<built image>
export GCP_NODE_MACHINE_TYPE=n1-standard-2
See the GCP provider for more information.
# Cloud Provider credentials, which are a Kubeconfig generated using this process: https://docs.harvesterhci.io/v1.3/rancher/cloud-provider/#deploying-to-the-rke2-custom-cluster-experimental
# Since v0.1.5, this can be left "", because the controller can update it automatically
# Name of the CAPI Cluster
# Number of Control Plane machines
# URL to access the Harvester Cluster, this will be overriden by the controller
# Base64-Encoded Kubeconfig to access Harvester, which can be downloaded from Harvester's UI or from a Harvester Manager Node.
# Namespace for all resources in the Management Cluster
export NAMESPACE="test"
# Pod CIDR for the Workload Cluster, it should have the format:
export POD_CIDR=""
# Service CIDR for the Workload Cluster, it should have the format : and be different from POD_CIDR
export SERVICE_CIDR=""
# Reference to SSH Keypair in Harvester. It should follow the format <NAMESPACE>/<NAME>
export SSH_KEYPAIR="default/ssk-key-pair"
# Namespace in Harvester where the VMs will be created.
# Disk Size to be used by the VMs
export VM_DISK_SIZE="50Gi"
# Reference to OS Image in Harvester which will be used for creating VMs, It must follow the format <NAMESPACE>/<NAME>
export VM_IMAGE_NAME="default/jammy-server"
# Reference to VM Network in Harvester. It must follow the format <NAMESPACE>/<NAME>
export VM_NETWORK="default/untagged"
# Linux Username for the VMs
export VM_SSH_USER="ubuntu"
# Number of Worker nodes in the target Workload cluster
See the Harvester provider for more information.
# huawei cloud region
export HC_REGION="cn-east-1"
# ECS SSH key name
export HC_SSH_KEY_NAME="default"
# kubernetes version
export KUBERNETES_VERSION="1.32.0"
# number of control plane machines
# number of worker machines
# control plane machine type
# worker node machine type
export HC_NODE_MACHINE_TYPE="x1e.2u.4g"
# ECS image ID
export ECS_IMAGE_ID="218ca5t7-bxf3-5dg0-852p-y703c9fe1a52"
See the Huawei Cloud provider for more information.
# Required environment variables for VPC
# VPC region
export IBMVPC_REGION=us-south
# VPC zone within the region
export IBMVPC_ZONE=us-south-1
# ID of the resource group in which the VPC will be created
export IBMVPC_RESOURCEGROUP=<your-resource-group-id>
# Name of the VPC
export IBMVPC_NAME=ibm-vpc-0
export IBMVPC_IMAGE_ID=<you-image-id>
# Profile for the virtual server instances
export IBMVPC_PROFILE=bx2-4x16
export IBMVPC_SSHKEY_ID=<your-sshkey-id>
# Required environment variables for PowerVS
export IBMPOWERVS_SSHKEY_NAME=<your-ssh-key>
# Internal and external IP of the network
export IBMPOWERVS_VIP=<internal-ip>
export IBMPOWERVS_VIP_EXTERNAL=<external-ip>
export IBMPOWERVS_IMAGE_NAME=<your-capi-image-name>
# ID of the PowerVS service instance
export IBMPOWERVS_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID=<service-instance-id>
export IBMPOWERVS_NETWORK_NAME=<your-capi-network-name>
Please visit the IBM Cloud provider for more information.
A ClusterAPI compatible image must be available in your IONOS Cloud contract. For instructions on how to build a compatible Image, see our docs.
# The token which is used to authenticate against the IONOS Cloud API
export IONOS_TOKEN=<your-token>
# The datacenter ID where the cluster will be deployed
export IONOSCLOUD_DATACENTER_ID="<your-datacenter-id>"
# The IP of the control plane endpoint
# The location of the data center where the cluster will be deployed
# The image ID of the custom image that will be used for the VMs
export IONOSCLOUD_MACHINE_IMAGE_ID="<your-image-id>"
# The SSH key that will be used to access the VMs
export IONOSCLOUD_MACHINE_SSH_KEYS="<your-ssh-key>"
For more configuration options check our list of available variables
Please visit the K0smotron provider for more information.
# Required environment variables
# The KKZONE is used to specify where to download the binaries. (e.g. "", "cn")
export KKZONE=""
# The ssh name of the all instance Linux user. (e.g. root, ubuntu)
export USER_NAME=<your-linux-user>
# The ssh password of the all instance Linux user.
export PASSWORD=<your-linux-user-password>
# The ssh IP address of the all instance. (e.g. "[{address:}, {address:}]")
export INSTANCES=<your-linux-ip-address>
# The cluster control plane VIP. (e.g. "")
export CONTROL_PLANE_ENDPOINT_IP=<your-control-plane-virtual-ip>
Please visit the KubeKey provider for more information.
In this example, we’ll use the image for Kubernetes v1.32.1:
export NODE_VM_IMAGE_TEMPLATE="quay.io/capk/ubuntu-2404-container-disk:v1.32.1"
export CRI_PATH="unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock"
Please visit the KubeVirt project for more information.
Note: If you are running CAPM3 release prior to v0.5.0, make sure to export the following environment variables. However, you don’t need them to be exported if you use CAPM3 release v0.5.0 or higher.
# The URL of the kernel to deploy.
# The URL of the ramdisk to deploy.
# The URL of the Ironic endpoint.
export IRONIC_URL=""
# The URL of the Ironic inspector endpoint.
# Do not use a dedicated CA certificate for Ironic API. Any value provided in this variable disables additional CA certificate validation.
# To provide a CA certificate, leave this variable unset. If unset, then IRONIC_CA_CERT_B64 must be set.
export IRONIC_NO_CA_CERT=true
# Disables basic authentication for Ironic API. Any value provided in this variable disables authentication.
# To enable authentication, leave this variable unset. If unset, then IRONIC_USERNAME and IRONIC_PASSWORD must be set.
# Disables basic authentication for Ironic inspector API. Any value provided in this variable disables authentication.
# To enable authentication, leave this variable unset. If unset, then IRONIC_INSPECTOR_USERNAME and IRONIC_INSPECTOR_PASSWORD must be set.
Please visit the Metal3 getting started guide for more details.
A ClusterAPI compatible image must be available in your Nutanix image library. For instructions on how to build a compatible image see image-builder.
To see all required Nutanix environment variables execute:
clusterctl generate cluster --infrastructure nutanix --list-variables capi-quickstart
# OpenNebula API endpoint and credentials
export ONE_XMLRPC=''
export ONE_AUTH='oneadmin:opennebula'
# VM and VR templates to construct workload clusters from
export MACHINE_TEMPLATE_NAME='capone131'
export ROUTER_TEMPLATE_NAME='capone131-vr'
# VNs to deploy workload clusters into
export PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME='service'
export PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME='private'
# Name of the new workload cluster
export CLUSTER_NAME='one'
# Cloud-Provider image to deploy inside the new workload cluster
export CCM_IMG='ghcr.io/opennebula/cloud-provider-opennebula:latest'
# Initial size of the new workload cluster
Please visit OpenNebula Cluster API Provider Wiki.
A ClusterAPI compatible image must be available in your OpenStack. For instructions on how to build a compatible image see image-builder. Depending on your OpenStack and underlying hypervisor the following options might be of interest:
To see all required OpenStack environment variables execute:
clusterctl generate cluster --infrastructure openstack --list-variables capi-quickstart
The following script can be used to export some of them:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-openstack/master/templates/env.rc -O /tmp/env.rc
source /tmp/env.rc <path/to/clouds.yaml> <cloud>
Apart from the script, the following OpenStack environment variables are required.
# The list of nameservers for OpenStack Subnet being created.
# Set this value when you need create a new network/subnet while the access through DNS is required.
export OPENSTACK_DNS_NAMESERVERS=<dns nameserver>
# FailureDomain is the failure domain the machine will be created in.
export OPENSTACK_FAILURE_DOMAIN=<availability zone name>
# The flavor reference for the flavor for your server instance.
# The flavor reference for the flavor for your server instance.
# The name of the image to use for your server instance. If the RootVolume is specified, this will be ignored and use rootVolume directly.
export OPENSTACK_IMAGE_NAME=<image name>
# The SSH key pair name
export OPENSTACK_SSH_KEY_NAME=<ssh key pair name>
# The external network
export OPENSTACK_EXTERNAL_NETWORK_ID=<external network ID>
A full configuration reference can be found in configuration.md.
A ClusterAPI compatible image must be available in your Outscale account. For instructions on how to build a compatible image see image-builder.
# The outscale root disk iops
export OSC_IOPS="<IOPS>"
# The outscale root disk size
# The outscale root disk volumeType
# The outscale key pair
# The outscale subregion name
# The outscale vm type
export OSC_VM_TYPE="<VM_TYPE>"
# The outscale image name
A ClusterAPI compatible image must be available in your Proxmox cluster. For instructions on how to build a compatible VM template see image-builder.
# The node that hosts the VM template to be used to provision VMs
# The template VM ID used for cloning VMs
export TEMPLATE_VMID=100
# The ssh authorized keys used to ssh to the machines.
export VM_SSH_KEYS="ssh-ed25519 ..., ssh-ed25519 ..."
# The IP address used for the control plane endpoint
# The IP ranges for Cluster nodes
export NODE_IP_RANGES="[,]"
# The gateway for the machines network-config.
export GATEWAY=""
# Subnet Mask in CIDR notation for your node IP ranges
export IP_PREFIX=24
# The Proxmox network device for VMs
export BRIDGE="vmbr1"
# The dns nameservers for the machines network-config.
export DNS_SERVERS="[,]"
# The Proxmox nodes used for VM deployments
export ALLOWED_NODES="[pve1,pve2,pve3]"
For more information about prerequisites and advanced setups for Proxmox, see the Proxmox getting started guide.
export TINKERBELL_IP=<hegel ip>
For more information please visit Tinkerbell getting started guide.
A ClusterAPI compatible image must be available in your VCD catalog. For instructions on how to build and upload a compatible image see CAPVCD
To see all required VCD environment variables execute:
clusterctl generate cluster --infrastructure vcd --list-variables capi-quickstart
export CLUSTER_NAME=kind
export CLUSTER_NAMESPACE=vcluster
export HELM_VALUES="service:\n type: NodePort"
Please see the vcluster installation instructions for more details.
To see all required Virtink environment variables execute:
clusterctl generate cluster --infrastructure virtink --list-variables capi-quickstart
See the Virtink provider document for more details.
It is required to use an official CAPV machine images for your vSphere VM templates. See uploading CAPV machine images for instructions on how to do this.
# The vCenter server IP or FQDN
# The vSphere datacenter to deploy the management cluster on
# The vSphere datastore to deploy the management cluster on
export VSPHERE_DATASTORE="vsanDatastore"
# The VM network to deploy the management cluster on
export VSPHERE_NETWORK="VM Network"
# The vSphere resource pool for your VMs
export VSPHERE_RESOURCE_POOL="*/Resources"
# The VM folder for your VMs. Set to "" to use the root vSphere folder
export VSPHERE_FOLDER="vm"
# The VM template to use for your VMs
export VSPHERE_TEMPLATE="ubuntu-1804-kube-v1.17.3"
# The public ssh authorized key on all machines
# The certificate thumbprint for the vCenter server
export VSPHERE_TLS_THUMBPRINT="97:48:03:8D:78:A9..."
# The storage policy to be used (optional). Set to "" if not required
export VSPHERE_STORAGE_POLICY="policy-one"
# The IP address used for the control plane endpoint
For more information about prerequisites, credentials management, or permissions for vSphere, see the vSphere getting started guide.
A Cluster API compatible image must be available in your Vultr account. For instructions on how to build a compatible image see image-builder for Vultr
export CLUSTER_NAME=<clustername>
export CONTROL_PLANE_PLANID=<plan_id>
export WORKER_PLANID=<plan_id>
export MACHINE_IMAGE=<snapshot_id>
export REGION=<region>
export PLANID=<plan_id>
export VPCID=<vpc_id>
export SSHKEY_ID=<sshKey_id>
Generating the cluster configuration
For the purpose of this tutorial, we’ll name our cluster capi-quickstart.
clusterctl generate cluster capi-quickstart --flavor development \
--kubernetes-version v1.32.0 \
--control-plane-machine-count=3 \
--worker-machine-count=3 \
> capi-quickstart.yaml
export CLUSTER_NAME=kind
export CLUSTER_NAMESPACE=vcluster
export HELM_VALUES="service:\n type: NodePort"
kubectl create namespace ${CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}
clusterctl generate cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--infrastructure vcluster \
--kubernetes-version ${KUBERNETES_VERSION} \
--target-namespace ${CLUSTER_NAMESPACE} | kubectl apply -f -
As we described above, in this tutorial, we will use a LoadBalancer service in order to expose the API server of the
workload cluster, so we want to use the load balancer (lb) template (rather than the default one). We’ll use the
clusterctl’s --flavor
flag for that:
clusterctl generate cluster capi-quickstart \
--infrastructure="kubevirt" \
--flavor lb \
--kubernetes-version ${CAPK_GUEST_K8S_VERSION} \
--control-plane-machine-count=1 \
--worker-machine-count=1 \
> capi-quickstart.yaml
clusterctl generate cluster capi-quickstart \
--infrastructure azure \
--kubernetes-version v1.32.0 \
--control-plane-machine-count=3 \
--worker-machine-count=3 \
> capi-quickstart.yaml
# Cluster templates authenticate with Workload Identity by default. Modify the AzureClusterIdentity for ServicePrincipal authentication.
# See https://capz.sigs.k8s.io/topics/identities for more details.
yq -i "with(. | select(.kind == \"AzureClusterIdentity\"); .spec.type |= \"ServicePrincipal\" | .spec.clientSecret.name |= \"${AZURE_CLUSTER_IDENTITY_SECRET_NAME}\" | .spec.clientSecret.namespace |= \"${AZURE_CLUSTER_IDENTITY_SECRET_NAMESPACE}\")" capi-quickstart.yaml
clusterctl generate cluster capi-quickstart \
--kubernetes-version v1.32.0 \
--control-plane-machine-count=3 \
--worker-machine-count=3 \
> capi-quickstart.yaml
This creates a YAML file named capi-quickstart.yaml
with a predefined list of Cluster API objects; Cluster, Machines,
Machine Deployments, etc.
The file can be eventually modified using your editor of choice.
See clusterctl generate cluster for more details.
Apply the workload cluster
When ready, run the following command to apply the cluster manifest.
kubectl apply -f capi-quickstart.yaml
The output is similar to this:
cluster.cluster.x-k8s.io/capi-quickstart created
dockercluster.infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/capi-quickstart created
kubeadmcontrolplane.controlplane.cluster.x-k8s.io/capi-quickstart-control-plane created
dockermachinetemplate.infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/capi-quickstart-control-plane created
machinedeployment.cluster.x-k8s.io/capi-quickstart-md-0 created
dockermachinetemplate.infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/capi-quickstart-md-0 created
kubeadmconfigtemplate.bootstrap.cluster.x-k8s.io/capi-quickstart-md-0 created
Accessing the workload cluster
The cluster will now start provisioning. You can check status with:
kubectl get cluster
You can also get an “at glance” view of the cluster and its resources by running:
clusterctl describe cluster capi-quickstart
and see an output similar to this:
capi-quickstart Provisioned 8s v1.32.0
To verify the first control plane is up:
kubectl get kubeadmcontrolplane
You should see an output is similar to this:
capi-quickstart-g2trk capi-quickstart true 3 3 3 4m7s v1.32.0
After the first control plane node is up and running, we can retrieve the workload cluster Kubeconfig.
clusterctl get kubeconfig capi-quickstart > capi-quickstart.kubeconfig
kind get kubeconfig --name capi-quickstart > capi-quickstart.kubeconfig
Install a Cloud Provider
The Kubernetes in-tree cloud provider implementations are being removed in favor of external cloud providers (also referred to as “out-of-tree”). This requires deploying a new component called the cloud-controller-manager which is responsible for running all the cloud specific controllers that were previously run in the kube-controller-manager. To learn more, see this blog post.
Install the official cloud-provider-azure Helm chart on the workload cluster:
helm install --kubeconfig=./capi-quickstart.kubeconfig --repo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/cloud-provider-azure/master/helm/repo cloud-provider-azure --generate-name --set infra.clusterName=capi-quickstart --set cloudControllerManager.clusterCIDR=""
For more information, see the CAPZ book.
Before deploying the OpenStack external cloud provider, configure the cloud.conf
file for integration with your OpenStack environment:
cat > cloud.conf <<EOF
For more detailed information on configuring the cloud.conf
file, see the OpenStack Cloud Controller Manager documentation.
Next, create a Kubernetes secret using this configuration to securely store your cloud environment details. You can create this secret for example with:
kubectl --kubeconfig=./capi-quickstart.kubeconfig -n kube-system create secret generic cloud-config --from-file=cloud.conf
Now, you are ready to deploy the external cloud provider!
kubectl apply --kubeconfig=./capi-quickstart.kubeconfig -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/master/manifests/controller-manager/cloud-controller-manager-roles.yaml
kubectl apply --kubeconfig=./capi-quickstart.kubeconfig -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/master/manifests/controller-manager/cloud-controller-manager-role-bindings.yaml
kubectl apply --kubeconfig=./capi-quickstart.kubeconfig -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/master/manifests/controller-manager/openstack-cloud-controller-manager-ds.yaml
Alternatively, refer to the helm chart.
Deploy a CNI solution
Calico is used here as an example.
Install the official Calico Helm chart on the workload cluster:
helm repo add projectcalico https://docs.tigera.io/calico/charts --kubeconfig=./capi-quickstart.kubeconfig && \
helm install calico projectcalico/tigera-operator --kubeconfig=./capi-quickstart.kubeconfig -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-azure/main/templates/addons/calico/values.yaml --namespace tigera-operator --create-namespace
After a short while, our nodes should be running and in Ready
let’s check the status using kubectl get nodes
kubectl --kubeconfig=./capi-quickstart.kubeconfig get nodes
capi-quickstart-vs89t-gmbld Ready control-plane 5m33s v1.32.0
capi-quickstart-vs89t-kf9l5 Ready control-plane 6m20s v1.32.0
capi-quickstart-vs89t-t8cfn Ready control-plane 7m10s v1.32.0
capi-quickstart-md-0-55x6t-5649968bd7-8tq9v Ready <none> 6m5s v1.32.0
capi-quickstart-md-0-55x6t-5649968bd7-glnjd Ready <none> 6m9s v1.32.0
capi-quickstart-md-0-55x6t-5649968bd7-sfzp6 Ready <none> 6m9s v1.32.0
Calico not required for vcluster.
Before deploying the Calico CNI, make sure the VMs are running:
kubectl get vm
If our new VMs are running, we should see a response similar to this:
capi-quickstart-control-plane-7s945 167m Running True
capi-quickstart-md-0-zht5j 164m Running True
We can also read the virtual machine instances:
kubectl get vmi
The output will be similar to:
capi-quickstart-control-plane-7s945 167m Running kind-control-plane True
capi-quickstart-md-0-zht5j 164m Running kind-control-plane True
Since our workload cluster is running within the kind cluster, we need to prevent conflicts between the kind (management) cluster’s CNI, and the workload cluster CNI. The following modifications in the default Calico settings are enough for these two CNI to work on (actually) the same environment.
- Change the CIDR to a non-conflicting range
- Change the value of the
environment variable tok8s
- Change the value of the
environment variable toNever
- Change the value of the
environment variable toAlways
- Add the
environment variable with the value of a non-conflicting port, e.g."6789"
The following script downloads the Calico manifest and modifies the required field. The CIDR and the port values are examples.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectcalico/calico/v3.29.1/manifests/calico.yaml -o calico-workload.yaml
sed -i -E 's|^( +)# (- name: CALICO_IPV4POOL_CIDR)$|\1\2|g;'\
's|^( +)# ( value: )""|\1\2""|g;'\
'/- name: CLUSTER_TYPE/{ n; s/( +value: ").+/\1k8s"/g };'\
'/- name: CALICO_IPV4POOL_IPIP/{ n; s/value: "Always"/value: "Never"/ };'\
'/- name: CALICO_IPV4POOL_VXLAN/{ n; s/value: "Never"/value: "Always"/};'\
'/# Set Felix endpoint to host default action to ACCEPT./a\ - name: FELIX_VXLANPORT\n value: "6789"' \
Now, deploy the Calico CNI on the workload cluster:
kubectl --kubeconfig=./capi-quickstart.kubeconfig create -f calico-workload.yaml
After a short while, our nodes should be running and in Ready
state, let’s check the status using kubectl get nodes
kubectl --kubeconfig=./capi-quickstart.kubeconfig get nodes
kubectl --kubeconfig=./capi-quickstart.kubeconfig \
apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectcalico/calico/v3.26.1/manifests/calico.yaml
After a short while, our nodes should be running and in Ready
let’s check the status using kubectl get nodes
kubectl --kubeconfig=./capi-quickstart.kubeconfig get nodes
capi-quickstart-vs89t-gmbld Ready control-plane 5m33s v1.32.0
capi-quickstart-vs89t-kf9l5 Ready control-plane 6m20s v1.32.0
capi-quickstart-vs89t-t8cfn Ready control-plane 7m10s v1.32.0
capi-quickstart-md-0-55x6t-5649968bd7-8tq9v Ready <none> 6m5s v1.32.0
capi-quickstart-md-0-55x6t-5649968bd7-glnjd Ready <none> 6m9s v1.32.0
capi-quickstart-md-0-55x6t-5649968bd7-sfzp6 Ready <none> 6m9s v1.32.0
Clean Up
Delete workload cluster.
kubectl delete cluster capi-quickstart
Delete management cluster
kind delete cluster
Next steps
- Create a second workload cluster. Simply follow the steps outlined above, but remember to provide a different name for your second workload cluster.
- Deploy applications to your workload cluster. Use the CNI deployment steps for pointers.
- See the clusterctl documentation for more detail about clusterctl supported actions.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- Required configuration
- Optional Configuration
Required configuration
The cluster configuration file can be generated by using clusterctl generate cluster
This command actually uses the template file and replace the values surrounded by ${}
with environment variables. You have to set all required environment variables in advance. The following sections explain some more details about what should be configured.
Note: You can use the template file by manually replacing values.
Note: By default the command creates highly available control plane with 3 control plane nodes. If you wish to create single control plane without load balancer, use without-lb flavor. For example,
# Using 'without-lb' flavor
clusterctl generate cluster capi-quickstart \
--flavor without-lb \
--kubernetes-version v1.24.2 \
--control-plane-machine-count=1 \
--worker-machine-count=1 \
> capi-quickstart.yaml
OpenStack version
We currently require at least OpenStack Pike. There is some flexibility in the microversion requirements for Nova. The minimum requirement is 2.38. However, certain features require a higher version. Specifically, tagging raises the requirement to 2.53, and multiattach volumes to 2.60.
Note that CAPO will not be able to determine what the default volume type is or whether it is multiattach capable. You need to be explicit in this case and specify what volume type should be used.
Operating system image
cloud-init based images
We currently depend on an up-to-date version of cloud-init, otherwise the operating system choice is yours. The kubeadm bootstrap provider we’re using also depends on some pre-installed software like a container runtime, kubelet, kubeadm, etc.. . For examples of how to build such an image take a look at image-builder (openstack).
The image can be referenced by exposing it as an environment variable OPENSTACK_IMAGE_NAME
Ignition based images
Some OS like Fedora CoreOS or Flatcar do not use cloud-init but Ignition to provision the instance. You need to enable the Ignition experimental feature: export EXP_KUBEADM_BOOTSTRAP_FORMAT_IGNITION=true
Flatcar comes in two flavor variants:
This variant relies on a Flatcar image built using the image-builder project: the Kubernetes version is bound to the Flatcar version and a rebuild of the image is required for each Kubernetes or Flatcar upgrade.
To build and use Flatcar image:
- Build the image with the image-builder:
make OEM_ID=openstack build-qemu-flatcar
- Upload the image
- Export the name of the uploaded image:
export OPENSTACK_FLATCAR_IMAGE_NAME=flatcar-stable-3374.2.5-kube-v1.25.6
- When generating the cluster configuration, use the following Cluster API flavor:
--flavor flatcar
(NOTE: Don’t forget to refer to the external-cloud-provider section)
- Build the image with the image-builder:
This variant relies on a plain Flatcar image and it leverages systemd-sysext feature to install and update Kubernetes components: the Kubernetes version is not bound to the Flatcar version (i.e Flatcar can be independently upgraded from Kubernetes and vice versa).
The template comes with a systemd-sysupdate configuration file that will download each new patch version of Kubernetes (i.e if you start with Kubernetes 1.x.y, systemd-sysupdate will automatically pull 1.x.y+1 but not 1.x+1.y), please note that this behavior is disabled by default. To enable the Kubernetes auto-update you can:
- Update the template to enable the
- Or run the following command on the nodes:
sudo systemctl enable --now systemd-sysupdate.timer
When the Kubernetes release reaches end-of-life it will not receive updates anymore. To switch to a new major version, do a
sudo rm /etc/sysupdate.kubernetes.d/kubernetes-*.conf
and download the new update config into the folder withcd /etc/sysupdate.kubernetes.d && sudo wget https://github.com/flatcar/sysext-bakery/releases/download/latest/kubernetes-${KUBERNETES_VERSION%.*}.conf
.To coordinate the node reboot, we recommend to use Kured. Note that running
kubeadm upgrade apply
on the first controller andkubeadm upgrade node
on all other nodes is not automated (yet), see the docs.To use Flatcar image:
- Upload an image on OpenStack from the Flatcar release servers (e.g for Stable, you might use this image: https://stable.release.flatcar-linux.net/amd64-usr/current/flatcar_production_openstack_image.img)
- Export the name of the uploaded image:
export FLATCAR_IMAGE_NAME=flatcar_production_openstack_image
- When generating the cluster configuration, use the following Cluster API flavor:
--flavor flatcar-sysext
(NOTE: Don’t forget to refer to the external-cloud-provider section)
- Update the template to enable the
SSH key pair
The SSH key pair is required. You can create one using,
openstack keypair create [--public-key <file> | --private-key <file>] <name>
The key pair name must be exposed as an environment variable OPENSTACK_SSH_KEY_NAME
In order to access cluster nodes via SSH, you must either access nodes through the bastion host or configure custom security groups with rules allowing ingress for port 22.
ORC (OpenStack Resource Controller) provides a set of Kubernetes controllers and is required by CAPO to manage some OpenStack resources. ORC is a separate project and is not part of CAPO, therefore it needs to be installed separately.
To install ORC, run the following command:
kubectl apply -f "https://github.com/k-orc/openstack-resource-controller/releases/download/${ORC_VERSION}/install.yaml"
We also publish a Kustomize module which can be used to install ORC:
kubectl apply --server-side -k "https://github.com/k-orc/openstack-resource-controller/dist?ref=${ORC_VERSION}"
In most cases, the default configuration should be sufficient. Check the ORC documentation for more information.
OpenStack credential
Generate credentials
The env.rc script sets the environment variables related to credentials. It’s highly recommend to avoid using admin
source env.rc <path/to/clouds.yaml> <cloud>
The following variables are set.
Variable | Meaning |
OPENSTACK_CLOUD | The cloud name which is used as second argument |
OPENSTACK_CLOUD_YAML_B64 | The secret used by Cluster API Provider OpenStack accessing OpenStack |
OPENSTACK_CLOUD_PROVIDER_CONF_B64 | The content of cloud.conf which is used by OpenStack cloud provider |
OPENSTACK_CLOUD_CACERT_B64 | The content of your custom CA file which can be specified in your clouds.yaml by ca-file , mandatory when openstack endpoint is https |
Note: Only the external cloud provider supports Application Credentials.
Note: you need to set clusterctl.cluster.x-k8s.io/move
label for the secret created from OPENSTACK_CLOUD_YAML_B64
in order to successfully move objects from bootstrap cluster to target cluster. See bug 626 for further information.
CA certificates
When using an https
openstack endpoint, providing CA certificates is required unless verification is explicitly disabled.
You can choose to provide your ca certificates per cluster or globally using a specific capo flag.
Per cluster
To use the per cluster ca certificate, you can use the OPENSTACK_CLOUD_CACERT_B64
environment variable.
The generator will set the cacert
key with the variable’s content in the cluster’s cloud-config secret.
Global configuration
To use the same ca certificate for all clusters you can use the --ca-certs
When reconciling a cluster, if no cacert
is set in the cluster’s cloud-config secret, CAPO will use the certicates provided with this flag.
For instance, to use CAPO’s docker image ca certificates:
kubectl patch deployment capo-controller-manager -n capo-system \
--type='json' \
-p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-", "value": "--ca-certs=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"}]'
Availability zone
The availability zone names must be exposed as an environment variable OPENSTACK_FAILURE_DOMAIN
By default, if Availability zone
is not given, all Availability zone
that defined in openstack will be a candidate to provision from, If administrator credential is used then internal
Availability zone which is internal only Availability zone inside nova
will be returned and can cause potential problem, see PR 1165 for further information. So we highly recommend to set Availability zone
DNS server
The DNS servers must be exposed as an environment variable OPENSTACK_DNS_NAMESERVERS
Machine flavor
The flavors for control plane and worker node machines must be exposed as environment variables OPENSTACK_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_FLAVOR
The recommmend minimum value of control plane flavor’s vCPU is 2 and minimum value of worker node flavor’s vCPU is 1.
CNI security group rules
Depending on the CNI that will be deployed on the cluster, you may need to add specific security group rules to the control plane and worker nodes. For example, if you are using Calico with BGP, you will need to add the following security group rules to the control plane and worker nodes:
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenStackCluster
name: <cluster-name>
namespace: <cluster-namespace>
- remoteManagedGroups:
- controlplane
- worker
direction: ingress
etherType: IPv4
name: BGP (Calico)
portRangeMin: 179
portRangeMax: 179
protocol: tcp
description: "Allow BGP between control plane and workers"
- remoteManagedGroups:
- controlplane
- worker
direction: ingress
etherType: IPv4
name: IP-in-IP (Calico)
protocol: 4
description: "Allow IP-in-IP between control plane and workers"
allowAllInClusterTraffic: false
Optional Configuration
Log level
When running CAPO with --v=6
the gophercloud client logs its requests to the OpenStack API. This can be helpful during debugging.
External network
If there is only a single external network it will be detected automatically. If there is more than one external network you can specify which one the cluster should use by setting the environment variable OPENSTACK_EXTERNAL_NETWORK_ID
The public network id can be obtained by using command,
openstack network list --external
Note: If your openstack cluster does not already have a public network, you should contact your cloud service provider. We will not review how to troubleshoot this here.
Use existing router
You can use a pre-existing router instead of creating a new one. When deleting a cluster a pre-existing router will not be deleted.
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenStackCluster
name: <cluster-name>
namespace: <cluster-namespace>
id: <Router id>
API server floating IP
Unless explicitly disabled, a floating IP is automatically created and associated with the load balancer
or controller node. If required, you can specify the floating IP explicitly by spec.apiServerFloatingIP
of OpenStackCluster
You have to be able to create a floating IP in your OpenStack in advance. You can create one using,
openstack floating ip create <public network>
Note: Only user with admin role can create a floating IP with specific IP.
Note: When associating a floating IP to a cluster with more than 1 controller node, the floatingIP will be associated to the first controller node and the other controller nodes have no floating IP assigned. When the controller node has the floating IP status down CAPO will NOT auto assign the floating IP address to any other controller node. So we recommend to only set one controller node when floating IP is needed, or please consider using load balancer instead, see issue #1265 for further information.
Note: spec.disableExternalNetwork
must be unset or set to false
to allow the API server to have a floating IP.
Disabling the API server floating IP
It is possible to provision a cluster without a floating IP for the API server by setting
OpenStackCluster.spec.disableAPIServerFloatingIP: true
(the default is false
). This will
prevent a floating IP from being allocated.
If the API server does not have a floating IP, workload clusters will only deploy successfully when the management cluster and workload cluster control plane nodes are on the same network. This can be a project-specific network, if the management cluster lives in the same project as the workload cluster, or a network that is shared across multiple projects.
In particular, this means that the cluster cannot use
to provision a new network for the cluster. Instead, useOpenStackCluster.spec.network
to explicitly specify the same network as the management cluster is on.
When the API server floating IP is disabled, it is not possible to provision a cluster without a load balancer without additional configuration (an advanced use-case that is not documented here). This is because the API server must still have a virtual IP that is not associated with a particular control plane node in order to allow the nodes to change underneath, e.g. during an upgrade. When the API server has a floating IP, this role is fulfilled by the floating IP even if there is no load balancer. When the API server does not have a floating IP, the load balancer virtual IP on the cluster network is used.
Restrict Access to the API server
This requires “amphora” as load balancer provider at in version >=
It is possible to restrict access to the Kubernetes API server on a network level. If required, you can specify
the allowed CIDRs by spec.APIServerLoadBalancer.AllowedCIDRs
of OpenStackCluster
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenStackCluster
name: <cluster-name>
namespace: <cluster-namespace>
- 192.168.10/24
All known IPs of the target cluster will be discovered dynamically (e.g. you don’t have to take care of target Cluster own Router IP, internal CIDRs or any Bastion Host IP). Note: Please ensure, that at least the outgoing IP of your management Cluster is added to the list of allowed CIDRs. Otherwise CAPO can’t reconcile the target Cluster correctly.
All applied CIDRs (user defined + dynamically discovered) are written back into status.network.apiServerLoadBalancer.allowedCIDRs
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenStackCluster
name: <cluster-name>
namespace: <cluster-namespace>
- # openStackCluster.Status.Network.Subnet.CIDR
- # bastion Host internal IP
- # user defined
- 192.168.10/24 # user defined
- # bastion host floating IP
- # router IP
name: k8s-clusterapi-cluster-<cluster-namespace>-<cluster-name>
If you locked out yourself or the CAPO management cluster, you can easily clear the allowed_cidrs
field on OpenStack via
openstack loadbalancer listener unset --allowed-cidrs <listener ID>
Network Filters
If you have a complex query that you want to use to lookup a network, then you can do this by using a network filter. More details about the filter can be found in NetworkParam
By using filters to look up a network, please note that it is possible to get multiple networks as a result. This should not be a problem, however please test your filters with openstack network list
to be certain that it returns the networks you want. Please refer to the following usage example:
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
name: <cluster-name>-controlplane
namespace: <cluster-name>
- network:
name: <network-name>
Multiple Networks
You can specify multiple networks (or subnets) to connect your server to. To do this, simply add another entry in the networks array. The following example connects the server to 3 different networks:
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
name: <cluster-name>-controlplane
namespace: <cluster-name>
- network:
name: myNetwork
tags: myTag
- network:
id: your_network_id
- fixedIPs:
- subnet:
id: your_subnet_id
Subnet Filters
Rather than just using a network, you have the option of specifying a specific subnet to connect your server to. The following is an example of how to specify a specific subnet of a network to use for your server.
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
name: <cluster-name>-controlplane
namespace: <cluster-name>
- network:
name: <network-name>
- subnet:
name: <subnet-name>
A server can also be connected to networks by describing what ports to create. Describing a server’s connection with ports
allows for finer and more advanced configuration. For example, you can specify per-port security groups, fixed IPs, VNIC type or profile.
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
name: <cluster-name>-controlplane
namespace: <cluster-name>
- network:
id: <your-network-id>
- subnet:
id: <your-subnet-id>
ipAddress: <your-fixed-ip>
- subnet:
name: <your-subnet-name>
- tag1
- tag2
nameSuffix: <your-port-name>
description: <your-custom-port-description>
vnicType: normal
- <your-security-group-id>
- <capability>
Any such ports are created in addition to ports used for connections to networks or subnets.
Port network and IP addresses
Together, network
and fixedIPs
define the network a port will be created on, and the addresses which will be assigned to the port on that network.
is a filter which uniquely describes the Neutron network the port will be created be on. Machine creation will fail if the result is empty or not unique. If a network id
is specified in the filter then no separate OpenStack query is required. This has the advantages of being both faster and unambiguous in all circumstances, so it is the preferred way to specify a network where possible.
If network
is not specified at all, it may be possible to infer the network from any uniquely defined subnets in fixedIPs
. As this may result in additional OpenStack queries and the potential for ambiguity is greater, this is not recommended.
describes a list of addresses from the target network
which will be allocated to the port. A fixedIP
is either a specific ipAddress
, a subnet
from which an ip address will be allocated, or both. If only ipAddress
is specified, it must be valid in at least one of the subnets defined in the current network. If both are defined, ipAddress
must be valid in the specified subnet.
is a filter which uniquely describe the Neutron subnet an address will be allocated from. Its operation is analogous to network
, described above.
If no fixedIPs
are specified, the port will get an address from every subnet in the network.
A single explicit network with a single explicit subnet.
- tags:
- control-plane
id: 0686143b-f0a7-481a-86f5-cc1f8ccde692
- subnet:
id: a5e50a9c-58f9-4b6f-b8ee-2e7b4e4414ee
No network or fixed IPs: the port will be created on the cluster default network, and will get a single address from the cluster default subnet.
- tags:
- control-plane
Network and subnet are specified by filter. They will be looked up. Note that this is not as efficient or reliable as specifying the network by id
- tags:
- storage
name: storage-network
- subnet:
name: storage-subnet
No network, but a fixed IP with a subnet. The network will be inferred from the network of the subnet. Note that this is not as efficient or reliable as specifying the network explicitly.
- tags:
- control-plane
- subnet:
id: a5e50a9c-58f9-4b6f-b8ee-2e7b4e4414ee
Port Security
port security
can be applied to specific port to enable/disable the port security
on that port; When not set, it takes the value of the corresponding field at the network level.
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
name: <cluster-name>-controlplane
namespace: <cluster-name>
- network:
id: <your-network-id>
disablePortSecurity: true
Security groups
Security groups are used to determine which ports of the cluster nodes are accessible from where.
If spec.managedSecurityGroups
of OpenStackCluster
is set to a non-nil value (e.g. {}
), two security groups named
will be created and added to the control
plane and worker nodes respectively.
Example of spec.managedSecurityGroups
in OpenStackCluster
spec when we want to enable the managed security groups:
managedSecurityGroups: {}
- Control plane nodes
- API server traffic from anywhere
- Etcd traffic from other control plane nodes
- Kubelet traffic from other cluster nodes
- Worker nodes
- Node port traffic from anywhere
- Kubelet traffic from other cluster nodes
When the flag OpenStackCluster.spec.managedSecurityGroups.allowAllInClusterTraffic
set to true
, the rules for the managed security groups permit all traffic
between cluster nodes on all ports and protocols (API server and node port traffic is still
permitted from anywhere, as with the default rules).
We can add additional security group rules that authorize traffic between nodes and/or from the outside
world using allNodesSecurityGroupRules
, controlPlaneNodesSecurityGroupRules
and workerNodesSecurityGroupRules
These properties take a list of security group rules that should be applied to all nodes, control plane nodes only
or worker nodes only respectively.
In a rule definition, the fields remoteManagedGroups
, remoteGroupID
and remoteIPPrefix
are mutually exclusive.
If none of these fields are set, the rule will have a remote IP prefix of
per Neutron default.
Valid values for remoteManagedGroups
are controlplane
, worker
and bastion
For example, to apply a security group rule to all nodes to permit BGP traffic between the nodes, use the following:
- remoteManagedGroups:
- controlplane
- worker
direction: ingress
etherType: IPv4
name: BGP (Calico)
portRangeMin: 179
portRangeMax: 179
protocol: tcp
description: "Allow BGP between control plane and workers"
Or to enable traffic from anywhere to node port services on worker nodes only, which is required for the OVN load-balancer provider, the following can be used:
- remoteIPPrefix:
direction: ingress
etherType: IPv4
name: Node Port (TCP, anywhere)
portRangeMin: 30000
portRangeMax: 32767
protocol: tcp
- remoteIPPrefix:
direction: ingress
etherType: IPv4
name: Node Port (UDP, anywhere)
portRangeMin: 30000
portRangeMax: 32767
protocol: udp
If this is not flexible enough, pre-existing security groups can be added to the
spec of an OpenStackMachineTemplate
, e.g.:
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-control-plane
- filter:
name: allow-ssh
You have the ability to tag all resources created by the cluster in the OpenStackCluster
spec. Here is an example how to configure tagging:
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenStackCluster
name: <cluster-name>
namespace: <cluster-name>
- cluster-tag
To tag resources specific to a machine, add a value to the tags field in the OpenStackMachineTemplate
spec like this:
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
name: <cluster-name>-controlplane
namespace: <cluster-name>
- machine-tag
You also have the option to add metadata to instances. Here is a usage example:
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
name: <cluster-name>-controlplane
namespace: <cluster-name>
name: bob
nickname: bobbert
Boot From Volume
For example in OpenStackMachineTemplate
set spec.rootVolume.diskSize
to something greater than 0
means boot from volume.
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
name: <cluster-name>-controlplane
namespace: <cluster-name>
sizeGiB: <image size>
type: <a cinder volume type (*optional)>
name: <The cinder availability zone name>
If volumeType
is not specified, cinder will use the default volume type.
If availabilityZone
is not specified, the volume will be created in the cinder availability zone specified in the MachineSpec’s failureDomain
. This same value is also used as the nova availability zone when creating the server. Note that this will fail if cinder and nova do not have matching availability zones. In this case, cinder availabilityZone
must be specified explicitly on rootVolume
Timeout settings
The default timeout for instance creation is 5 minutes. If creating servers in your OpenStack takes a long time, you can increase the timeout. You can set a new value, in minutes, via the environment variable CLUSTER_API_OPENSTACK_INSTANCE_CREATE_TIMEOUT
in your Cluster API Provider OpenStack controller deployment.
Custom pod network CIDR
is already in use within your network, you must select a different pod network CIDR. You have to replace the CIDR
with your own in the generated file.
Accessing nodes through the bastion host via SSH
Enabling the bastion host
To configure the Cluster API Provider for OpenStack to create a SSH bastion host, add this line to the OpenStackCluster spec after clusterctl generate cluster
was successfully executed:
enabled: true
flavor: <Flavor name>
image: <Image name>
sshKeyName: <Key pair name>
All parameters are mutable during the runtime of the bastion host.
The bastion host will be re-created if it’s enabled and the instance spec has been changed.
This is done by a simple checksum validation of the instance spec which is stored in the OpenStackCluster
annotation infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/bastion-hash
A floating IP is created and associated to the bastion host automatically, but you can add the IP address explicitly:
floatingIP: <Floating IP address>
Note: A floating IP can only be added if OpenStackCluster.Spec.DisableExternalNetwork
is not set or set to false
If managedSecurityGroups
is set to a non-nil value (e.g. {}
), security group rule opening 22/tcp is added to security groups for bastion, controller, and worker nodes respectively. Otherwise, you have to add securityGroups
to the bastion
in OpenStackCluster
spec and OpenStackMachineTemplate
spec template respectively.
Making changes to the bastion host
Changes can be made to the bastion spec, like for example changing the flavor, by modifying the OpenStackCluster.Spec.Bastion.Spec
The bastion host will be re-created with the new spec.
Disabling the bastion
To disable the bastion host, set enabled: false
in the OpenStackCluster.Spec.Bastion
field. The bastion host will be deleted, you can check the status of the bastion host by running kubectl get openstackcluster
and looking at the Bastion
field in status.
Once it’s gone, you can now remove the OpenStackCluster.Spec.Bastion
field from the OpenStackCluster
Obtain floating IP address of the bastion node
Once the workload cluster is up and running after being configured for an SSH bastion host, you can use the kubectl get openstackcluster command to look up the floating IP address of the bastion host (make sure the kubectl context is set to the management cluster). The output will look something like this:
$ kubectl get openstackcluster
nonha nonha true 2e2a2fad-28c0-4159-8898-c0a2241a86a7 53cb77ab-86a6-4f2c-8d87-24f8411f15de
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
External Cloud Provider
To deploy a cluster using external cloud provider, create a cluster configuration with the external cloud provider template or refer to helm chart.
Steps of using external cloud provider template
After control plane is up and running, retrieve the workload cluster Kubeconfig:
clusterctl get kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME} --namespace default > ./${CLUSTER_NAME}.kubeconfig
Deploy a CNI solution (using Calico now)
Note: choose desired version by replace <v3.23> below
kubectl --kubeconfig=./${CLUSTER_NAME}.kubeconfig apply -f https://docs.projectcalico.org/archive/v3.23/manifests/calico.yaml
Create a secret containing the cloud configuration
templates/create_cloud_conf.sh <path/to/clouds.yaml> <cloud> > /tmp/cloud.conf
kubectl --kubeconfig=./${CLUSTER_NAME}.kubeconfig create secret -n kube-system generic cloud-config --from-file=/tmp/cloud.conf
rm /tmp/cloud.conf
Create RBAC resources and openstack-cloud-controller-manager deamonset
kubectl --kubeconfig=./${CLUSTER_NAME}.kubeconfig apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/master/manifests/controller-manager/cloud-controller-manager-roles.yaml kubectl --kubeconfig=./${CLUSTER_NAME}.kubeconfig apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/master/manifests/controller-manager/cloud-controller-manager-role-bindings.yaml kubectl --kubeconfig=./${CLUSTER_NAME}.kubeconfig apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/master/manifests/controller-manager/openstack-cloud-controller-manager-ds.yaml
Waiting for all the pods in kube-system namespace up and running
$ kubectl --kubeconfig=./${CLUSTER_NAME}.kubeconfig get pod -n kube-system NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE calico-kube-controllers-5569bdd565-ncrff 1/1 Running 0 20m calico-node-g5qqq 1/1 Running 0 20m calico-node-hdgxs 1/1 Running 0 20m coredns-864fccfb95-8qgp2 1/1 Running 0 109m coredns-864fccfb95-b4zsf 1/1 Running 0 109m etcd-mycluster-control-plane-cp2zw 1/1 Running 0 108m kube-apiserver-mycluster-control-plane-cp2zw 1/1 Running 0 110m kube-controller-manager-mycluster-control-plane-cp2zw 1/1 Running 0 109m kube-proxy-mxkdp 1/1 Running 0 107m kube-proxy-rxltx 1/1 Running 0 109m kube-scheduler-mycluster-control-plane-cp2zw 1/1 Running 0 109m openstack-cloud-controller-manager-rbxkz 1/1 Running 8 18m
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- Pre-condition
- Install OpenStack Cluster API provider into target cluster
- Move objects from
cluster intotarget
cluster. - Check cluster status
This documentation describes how to move Cluster API
related objects from bootstrap
cluster to target
cluster. Check clusterctl move for further information.
Bootstrap cluster
# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-controller-manager-68cfd4c5b8-mjq75 2/2 Running 0 27m
capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system capi-kubeadm-control-plane-controller-manager-848575ccb7-m672j 2/2 Running 0 27m
capi-system capi-controller-manager-564d97d59c-2t7sl 2/2 Running 0 27m
capi-webhook-system capi-controller-manager-9c8b5d6d4-49czx 2/2 Running 0 28m
capi-webhook-system capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-controller-manager-7dff4b8c7-8w9sq 2/2 Running 1 27m
capi-webhook-system capi-kubeadm-control-plane-controller-manager-74c99998d-bftbn 2/2 Running 0 27m
capi-webhook-system capo-controller-manager-7d7bfc856b-5ttw6 2/2 Running 0 24m
capo-system capo-controller-manager-5fb48fcb4c-ttkpv 2/2 Running 0 25m
cert-manager cert-manager-544d659678-l9pjb 1/1 Running 0 29m
cert-manager cert-manager-cainjector-64c9f978d7-bjxkg 1/1 Running 0 29m
cert-manager cert-manager-webhook-5855bb8c8c-8hb9w 1/1 Running 0 29m
kube-system coredns-66bff467f8-ggn54 1/1 Running 0 40m
kube-system coredns-66bff467f8-t4bqr 1/1 Running 0 40m
kube-system etcd-kind-control-plane 1/1 Running 1 40m
kube-system kindnet-ng2gf 1/1 Running 0 40m
kube-system kube-apiserver-kind-control-plane 1/1 Running 1 40m
kube-system kube-controller-manager-kind-control-plane 1/1 Running 1 40m
kube-system kube-proxy-h6rmz 1/1 Running 0 40m
kube-system kube-scheduler-kind-control-plane 1/1 Running 1 40m
local-path-storage local-path-provisioner-bd4bb6b75-ft7wh 1/1 Running 0 40m
Target cluster (Below is an example of external cloud provider)
# kubectl get pods --kubeconfig capi-openstack-3.kubeconfig --all-namespaces
kube-system calico-kube-controllers-59b699859f-djqd7 1/1 Running 0 6m2s
kube-system calico-node-szp44 1/1 Running 0 6m2s
kube-system calico-node-xhgzr 1/1 Running 0 6m2s
kube-system coredns-6955765f44-wk2vq 1/1 Running 0 21m
kube-system coredns-6955765f44-zhps9 1/1 Running 0 21m
kube-system etcd-capi-openstack-control-plane-82xck 1/1 Running 0 22m
kube-system kube-apiserver-capi-openstack-control-plane-82xck 1/1 Running 0 22m
kube-system kube-controller-manager-capi-openstack-control-plane-82xck 1/1 Running 2 22m
kube-system kube-proxy-4f9k8 1/1 Running 0 21m
kube-system kube-proxy-gjd55 1/1 Running 0 21m
kube-system kube-scheduler-capi-openstack-control-plane-82xck 1/1 Running 2 22m
kube-system openstack-cloud-controller-manager-z9jtc 1/1 Running 1 4m9s
Install OpenStack Cluster API provider into target cluster
You need install OpenStack cluster api providers into target
cluster first.
# clusterctl --kubeconfig capi-openstack-3.kubeconfig init --infrastructure openstack
Fetching providers
Installing cert-manager
Waiting for cert-manager to be available...
Installing Provider="cluster-api" Version="v0.3.8" TargetNamespace="capi-system"
Installing Provider="bootstrap-kubeadm" Version="v0.3.8" TargetNamespace="capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system"
Installing Provider="control-plane-kubeadm" Version="v0.3.8" TargetNamespace="capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system"
Installing Provider="infrastructure-openstack" Version="v0.3.1" TargetNamespace="capo-system"
Your management cluster has been initialized successfully!
You can now create your first workload cluster by running the following:
clusterctl generate cluster [name] --kubernetes-version [version] | kubectl apply -f -
Move objects from bootstrap
cluster into target
CRD, objects such as OpenStackCluster
, OpenStackMachine
etc need to be moved.
# clusterctl move --to-kubeconfig capi-openstack-3.kubeconfig -v 10
No default config file available
Performing move...
Discovering Cluster API objects
Cluster Count=1
KubeadmConfig Count=2
KubeadmConfigTemplate Count=1
KubeadmControlPlane Count=1
MachineDeployment Count=1
Machine Count=2
MachineSet Count=1
OpenStackCluster Count=1
OpenStackMachine Count=2
OpenStackMachineTemplate Count=2
Secret Count=9
Total objects Count=23
Moving Cluster API objects Clusters=1
Pausing the source cluster
Set Cluster.Spec.Paused Paused=true Cluster="capi-openstack-3" Namespace="default"
Creating target namespaces, if missing
Creating objects in the target cluster
Creating Cluster="capi-openstack-3" Namespace="default"
Creating OpenStackMachineTemplate="capi-openstack-control-plane" Namespace="default"
Creating OpenStackMachineTemplate="capi-openstack-md-0" Namespace="default"
Creating OpenStackCluster="capi-openstack-3" Namespace="default"
Creating KubeadmConfigTemplate="capi-openstack-md-0" Namespace="default"
Creating MachineDeployment="capi-openstack-md-0" Namespace="default"
Creating KubeadmControlPlane="capi-openstack-control-plane" Namespace="default"
Creating Secret="capi-openstack-3-etcd" Namespace="default"
Creating Machine="capi-openstack-control-plane-n2kdq" Namespace="default"
Creating Secret="capi-openstack-3-sa" Namespace="default"
Creating Secret="capi-openstack-3-kubeconfig" Namespace="default"
Creating Secret="capi-openstack-3-proxy" Namespace="default"
Creating MachineSet="capi-openstack-md-0-dfdf94979" Namespace="default"
Creating Secret="capi-openstack-3-ca" Namespace="default"
Creating Machine="capi-openstack-md-0-dfdf94979-656zq" Namespace="default"
Creating KubeadmConfig="capi-openstack-control-plane-xzj7x" Namespace="default"
Creating OpenStackMachine="capi-openstack-control-plane-82xck" Namespace="default"
Creating Secret="capi-openstack-control-plane-xzj7x" Namespace="default"
Creating OpenStackMachine="capi-openstack-md-0-bkwhh" Namespace="default"
Creating KubeadmConfig="capi-openstack-md-0-t44gj" Namespace="default"
Creating Secret="capi-openstack-md-0-t44gj" Namespace="default"
Deleting objects from the source cluster
Deleting Secret="capi-openstack-md-0-t44gj" Namespace="default"
Deleting Secret="capi-openstack-control-plane-xzj7x" Namespace="default"
Deleting OpenStackMachine="capi-openstack-md-0-bkwhh" Namespace="default"
Deleting KubeadmConfig="capi-openstack-md-0-t44gj" Namespace="default"
Deleting Machine="capi-openstack-md-0-dfdf94979-656zq" Namespace="default"
Deleting KubeadmConfig="capi-openstack-control-plane-xzj7x" Namespace="default"
Deleting OpenStackMachine="capi-openstack-control-plane-82xck" Namespace="default"
Deleting Secret="capi-openstack-3-etcd" Namespace="default"
Deleting Machine="capi-openstack-control-plane-n2kdq" Namespace="default"
Deleting Secret="capi-openstack-3-sa" Namespace="default"
Deleting Secret="capi-openstack-3-kubeconfig" Namespace="default"
Deleting Secret="capi-openstack-3-proxy" Namespace="default"
Deleting MachineSet="capi-openstack-md-0-dfdf94979" Namespace="default"
Deleting Secret="capi-openstack-3-ca" Namespace="default"
Deleting OpenStackMachineTemplate="capi-openstack-control-plane" Namespace="default"
Deleting OpenStackMachineTemplate="capi-openstack-md-0" Namespace="default"
Deleting OpenStackCluster="capi-openstack-3" Namespace="default"
Deleting KubeadmConfigTemplate="capi-openstack-md-0" Namespace="default"
Deleting MachineDeployment="capi-openstack-md-0" Namespace="default"
Deleting KubeadmControlPlane="capi-openstack-control-plane" Namespace="default"
Deleting Cluster="capi-openstack-3" Namespace="default"
Resuming the target cluster
Set Cluster.Spec.Paused Paused=false Cluster="capi-openstack-3" Namespace="default"
Check cluster status
# kubectl get openstackcluster --kubeconfig capi-openstack-3.kubeconfig --all-namespaces
default capi-openstack-3 capi-openstack-3 true 4a6f2d57-bb3d-44f4-a28a-4c94a92e41d0 1a1a1d9d-5258-42cb-8756-fa4c648af72b
# kubectl get openstackmachines --kubeconfig capi-openstack-3.kubeconfig --all-namespaces
default capi-openstack-control-plane-82xck capi-openstack-3 ACTIVE true openstack:///f29007c5-f672-4214-a508-b7cf4a17b3ed capi-openstack-control-plane-n2kdq
default capi-openstack-md-0-bkwhh capi-openstack-3 ACTIVE true openstack:///6e23324d-315a-4d75-85a9-350fd1705ab6 capi-openstack-md-0-dfdf94979-656zq
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
This guide (based on Minikube but others should be similar) explains general info on how to debug issues if a cluster creation fails.
Get logs of Cluster API controller containers
kubectl --kubeconfig minikube.kubeconfig -n capo-system logs -l control-plane=capo-controller-manager -c manager
Similarly, the logs of the other controllers in the namespaces capi-system
and cabpk-system
can be retrieved.
Master failed to start with error: node xxxx not found
Sometimes the master machine is created but fails to startup, take Ubuntu as example, open /var/log/messages
and if you see something like this:
Jul 10 00:07:58 openstack-master-5wgrw kubelet: E0710 00:07:58.444950 4340 kubelet.go:2248] node "openstack-master-5wgrw" not found
Jul 10 00:07:58 openstack-master-5wgrw kubelet: I0710 00:07:58.526091 4340 kubelet_node_status.go:72] Attempting to register node openstack-master-5wgrw
Jul 10 00:07:58 openstack-master-5wgrw kubelet: E0710 00:07:58.527398 4340 kubelet_node_status.go:94] Unable to register node "openstack-master-5wgrw" with API server: nodes "openstack-master-5wgrw" is forbidden: node "openstack-master-5wgrw.novalocal" is not allowed to modify node "openstack-master-5wgrw"
This might be caused by This issue, try the method proposed there.
providerClient authentication err
If you are using https, you must specify the CA certificate in your clouds.yaml
file, and when you encounter issue like:
kubectl --kubeconfig minikube.kubeconfig logs -n capo-system logs -l control-plane=capo-controller-manager
E0814 04:32:52.688514 1 machine_controller.go:204] Failed to check if machine "openstack-master-hxk9r" exists: providerClient authentication err: Post https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:5000/v3/auth/tokens: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
you can also add verify: false
into clouds.yaml
file to solve the problem.
region_name: "RegionOne"
interface: "public"
identity_api_version: 3
cacert: /etc/certs/cacert
verify: false
Fails in creating floating IP during cluster creation.
If you encounter rule:create_floatingip and rule:create_floatingip:floating_ip_address is disallowed by policy
when create floating ip, check with your openstack administrator, you need to be authorized to perform those actions, see issue 572 for more detailed information.
Refer to rule:create_floatingip and rule:create_floatingip:floating_ip_address for further policy information.
An alternative is to create the floating IP before create the cluster and use it.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
CRD Changes
CAPO is able to automatically convert your old resources into new API versions.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
v1alpha4 compared to v1alpha5
All users are encouraged to migrate their usage of the CAPO CRDs from older versions to v1alpha5
. This includes yaml files and source code. As CAPO implements automatic conversions between the CRD versions, this migration can happen after installing the new CAPO release.
API Changes
This only documents backwards incompatible changes. Fields that were added to v1alpha5 are not listed here.
Managed API LoadBalancer
The fields related to the managed API LoadBalancer were moved into a seperate object:
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
kind: OpenStackCluster
managedAPIServerLoadBalancer: true
apiServerLoadBalancerAdditionalPorts: [443]
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha5
kind: OpenStackCluster
enabled: true
additionalPorts: [443]
Major Changes to Ports and Networks
When using Ports it is now possible to specify network and subnet by filter instead of just ID. As a consequence, the relevant ID fields are now moved into the new filter specifications:
- networkId: d-e-a-d
- subnetId: b-e-e-f
- network:
id: d-e-a-d
id: b-e-e-f
Networks are now deprecated. With one exception, all functionality of Networks is now available for Ports. Consequently, Networks will be removed from the API in a future release.
The ability of a Network to add multiple ports with a single directive will not be added to Ports. When moving to Ports, all ports must be added explicitly. Specifically, when evaluating the network or subnet filter of a Network, if there are multiple matches we will add all of these to the server. By contrast we raise an error if the network or subnet filter of a Port does not return exactly one result.
was previously a synonym for projectId
in both network and subnet filters. This has now been removed. Use projectId
The following fields are removed from network and subnet filters without replacement:
- status
- adminStateUp
- shared
- marker
- limit
- sortKey
- sortDir
- subnetPoolId
Rename of status.error{Reason,Message}
to status.failure{Reason,Message}
The actual fields were previously already renamed, but we still used the error
prefix in JSON. This was done to align with CAPI, where these fields were renamed in v1alpha3.
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
kind: OpenStackMachine
errorReason: UpdateError
errorMessage: Something when wrong
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha5
kind: OpenStackMachine
failureReason: UpdateError
failureMessage: Something when wrong
Changes to rootVolume
The following fields were removed without replacement:
Additionally, rootVolume.sourceUUID
has been replaced by using ImageUUID
or Image
from the OpenStackMachine as appropriate.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
v1alpha5 compared to v1alpha6
All users are encouraged to migrate their usage of the CAPO CRDs from older versions to v1alpha6
. This includes yaml files and source code. As CAPO implements automatic conversions between the CRD versions, this migration can happen after installing the new CAPO release.
API Changes
This only documents backwards incompatible changes. Fields that were added to v1alpha6 are not listed here.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
v1alpha6 compared to v1alpha7
All users are encouraged to migrate their usage of the CAPO CRDs from older versions to v1alpha6
. This includes yaml files and source code. As CAPO implements automatic conversions between the CRD versions, this migration can happen after installing the new CAPO release.
API Changes
This only documents backwards incompatible changes. Fields that were added to v1alpha6 are not listed here.
⚠️ Removal of networks
This is a major breaking change between v1alpha6 and v1alpha7 which in certain circumstances may require manual action before upgrading to v0.8.
v1alpha6 allowed network attachments to an OpenStackMachine to be specified as either Networks or Ports. In v1alpha7, Networks are removed. Network attachments may only be specified as ports.
In most cases Networks will be automatically converted to equivalent Ports on upgrade. However, this is not supported in the case where a Network specifies a network or subnet filter which returns more than one OpenStack resource. In this case it is important to rewrite any affected OpenStackMachineTemplates and wait for any consequent rollout to complete prior to updating to version 0.8.
Your configuration is affected if it contains any Network or Subnet filter which returns multiple resources. In a v1alpha6 Network definition this resulted in the creation of multiple ports: one for each returned result. In a Port definition, filters may only return a single resource and throw an error if multiple resources are returned.
For example, take this example OpenStackMachineTemplate specification:
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha6
kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-md-0
- filter:
tags: tag-matches-multiple-networks
- filter:
tags: tag-matches-multiple-subnets
In this configuration both the network and subnet filters match multiple resources. In v0.8 this will be automatically converted to:
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha7
kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-md-0
- network:
tags: tag-matches-multiple-networks
- subnet:
tags: tag-matches-multiple-subnets
However, this will cause an error when reconciled by the machine controller, because in a port:
- a network filter may only return a single network
- a subnet filter may only return a single subnet
Instead it needs to be rewritten prior to upgrading to version 0.8. It can be rewritten as either ports or networks, as long as each results in the creation of only a single port. For example, rewriting without converting to ports might give:
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha6
kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-md-0
- filter:
name: network-a
- filter:
name: subnet-a
- filter:
name: network-b
- filter:
name: subnet-b
This will be safely converted to use ports when upgrading to version 0.8.
To reiterate: it is not sufficient to leave your templates at v1alpha6 in this case, as it will still result in failure to reconcile in the machine controller. This change must be made prior to updating to version 0.8.
Removal of subnet
The OpenStackMachine spec previously contained a subnet
field which could used
to set the accessIPv4
field on Nova servers. This feature was not widely
used, difficult to use, and could not be extended to support IPv6. It is
removed without replacement.
Change to securityGroups
has been simplified by the removal of a separate filter parameter. It was previously:
uuid: ...
name: ...
description: ...
tags: ...
It becomes:
id: ...
name: ...
description: ...
tags: ...
Note that in this change, the uuid
field has become id
. So:
- uuid: 4ea83db6-2760-41a9-b25a-e625a1161ed0
- id: 4ea83db6-2760-41a9-b25a-e625a1161ed0
The limit
, marker
, sortKey
, sortDir
, fields have been removed without replacement. They did not serve any purpose in this context.
The tenantId
parameter has been removed. Use projectId
Changes to ports
Change to securityGroupFilters
The same change is made to securityGroupFilters
in ports
as is made to securityGroups
in the machine spec.
Removal of securityGroups
The Port field of the OpenStackMachine spec previously contained both securityGroups
and securityGroupFilters
As securityGroups
can easily be replaced with securityGroupFilters
, that can express the same and more, securityGroups
has now been removed.
CAPO can automatically convert securityGroups
to securityGroupFilters
when upgrading.
Here is an example of how to use securityGroupFilters
to replace securityGroups
# securityGroups are available in v1alpha6
- 60ed83f1-8886-41c6-a1c7-fcfbdf3f04c2
- 0ddd14d9-5c33-4734-b7d0-ac4fdf35c2d9
- 4a131d3e-9939-4a6b-adea-788a2e89fcd8
# securityGroupFilters are available in both v1alpha6 and v1alpha7
- id: 60ed83f1-8886-41c6-a1c7-fcfbdf3f04c2
- id: 0ddd14d9-5c33-4734-b7d0-ac4fdf35c2d9
- id: 4a131d3e-9939-4a6b-adea-788a2e89fcd8
Removal of tenantId and projectId
These are removed without replacement. They required admin permission to set, which CAPO does not have by default, and served no purpose.
Change to profile
We previously allowed to use the Neutron binding:profile
via ports.profile
but this API is not declared as stable from the Neutron API description.
Instead, we now explicitly support two use cases:
- OVS Hardware Offload
- Trusted Virtual Functions (VF)
Note that the conversion is lossy, we only support the two use cases above so if anyone was relying on anything other than the supported behaviour, it will be lost.
Here is an example on how to use ports.profile
for enabling OVS Hardware Offload:
OVSHWOffload: true
Here is an example on how to use ports.bindingProfile
for enabling “trusted-mode” to the VF:
TrustedVF: true
Creation of additionalBlockDevices
We now have the ability for a machine to have additional block devices to be attached.
Here is an example on how to use additionalBlockDevices
for adding an additional Cinder volume attached
to the server instance:
- name: database
sizeGiB: 50
type: Volume
Here is an example on how to use additionalBlockDevices
for adding an additional Cinder volume attached
to the server instance with an availability zone and a cinder type:
- name: database
sizeGiB: 50
type: Volume
type: my-volume-type
availabilityZone: az0
Here is an example on how to attach a ephemeral disk to the instance:
- name: disk1
sizeGiB: 1
type: local
Adding more than one ephemeral disk to an instance is possible but you should use it at your own risks, it has been known to cause some issues in some environments.
Change to externalRouterIPs.subnet
The uuid
field is renamed to id
, and all fields from filter
are moved directly into the subnet
- subnet:
uuid: f23bf9c1-8c66-4383-b474-ada1d1960149
- subnet:
name: my-subnet
- subnet:
id: f23bf9c1-8c66-4383-b474-ada1d1960149
- subnet:
name: my-subnet
status.router and status.apiServerLoadBalancer moved out of status.network
id: 756f59c0-2a9b-495e-9bb1-951762523d2d
name: my-cluster-network
id: dd0b23a7-e785-4061-93c5-464843e8cc39
name: my-cluster-router
id: 660d628e-cbcb-4c10-9910-e2e6493643c7
name: my-api-server-loadbalancer
id: 756f59c0-2a9b-495e-9bb1-951762523d2d
name: my-cluster-network
id: dd0b23a7-e785-4061-93c5-464843e8cc39
name: my-cluster-router
id: 660d628e-cbcb-4c10-9910-e2e6493643c7
name: my-api-server-loadbalancer
status.network.subnet becomes status.network.subnets
id: 756f59c0-2a9b-495e-9bb1-951762523d2d
name: my-cluster-network
id: 0e0c3d69-040a-4b51-a3f5-0f5d010b36f4
name: my-cluster-subnet
id: 756f59c0-2a9b-495e-9bb1-951762523d2d
name: my-cluster-network
- id: 0e0c3d69-040a-4b51-a3f5-0f5d010b36f4
name: my-cluster-subnet
Nothing will currently create more than a single subnet, but there may be multiple subnets in the future. Similarly, code should no longer assume that the CIDR is an IPv4 CIDR, although nothing will currently create anything other than an IPv4 CIDR.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- v1alpha7 compared to v1beta1
- Migration
- API Changes
- Changes to
in bothOpenStackMachine
- Removal of cloudName
- identityRef is now required
- Change to externalNetworkID
- Change to floatingIP
- Change to subnet
- Change to nodeCidr and dnsNameservers
- Addition of allocationPools
- Change to managedSecurityGroups
- Calico CNI
- Change to network
- Change to networkMtu
- Changes to apiServerLoadBalancer
- Changes to bastion
- Changes to filters
- Changes to
v1alpha7 compared to v1beta1
All users are encouraged to migrate their usage of the CAPO CRDs from older versions to v1beta1
. This includes yaml files and source code. As CAPO implements automatic conversions between the CRD versions, this migration can happen after installing the new CAPO release.
API Changes
This only documents backwards incompatible changes. Fields that were added to v1beta1 are not listed here.
Changes to identityRef
in both OpenStackMachine
and OpenStackCluster
Removal of machine identityRef.kind
The identityRef.Kind
field has been removed. It was used to specify the kind of the identity provider to use but was actually ignored. The referenced resource must always be a Secret.
Addition of cloudName
The cloudName
field has been removed from both OpenStackMachine
and OpenStackCluster
and added to identityRef
. It is now a required field when identityRef
is specified.
Removal of cloudName
This has moved to identityRef.cloudName
Change to serverGroupID
The field serverGroupID
has been renamed to serverGroup
and is now a ServerGroupParam
object rather than a string ID.
The ServerGroupParam
object allows selection of a server group by name or by ID.
serverGroupID: "e60f19e7-cb37-49f9-a2ee-0a1281f6e03e"
id: "e60f19e7-cb37-49f9-a2ee-0a1281f6e03e"
To select a server group by name instead of ID:
name: "workers"
If a server group is provided and found, it will be added to OpenStackMachine.Status.ReferencedResources.ServerGroupID
. If the server group can’t be found or filter matches multiple server groups, an error will be returned.
If no serverGroup is provided, Machine will not be added to any server group and OpenStackMachine.Status.ReferencedResources.ServerGroupID
will be empty.
It is an error to provide an empty serverGroup.
Change to image
The field image
is now an ImageParam
object rather than a string name.
The ImageParam
object allows selection of an image by ID or by filter. Either ID or a filter may be set, but not both.
image: "test-image"
name: "test-image"
The image ID will be added to OpenStackMachine.Status.ReferencedResources.ImageID
. If the image can’t be found or filter matches multiple images, an error will be returned.
Removal of imageUUID
The fild imageUUID
has been removed in favor of the image
imageUUID: "72a6a1e6-3e0a-4a8b-9b4c-2d6f9e3e5f0a"
id: "72a6a1e6-3e0a-4a8b-9b4c-2d6f9e3e5f0a"
Change to instanceID
In v1beta1, the field instanceID
moves from spec
to status
Changes to ports
These changes apply to ports specified in both OpenStackMachines and the Bastion.
The securityGroupFilters
field is renamed to securityGroups
to be consistent with other similar fields throughout the API.
When specifying allowedAddressPairs
, ipAddress
is now required. Neutron has already required this parameter, so while the API previously allowed it to be unset it would not have resulted in a working VM.
Setting either of the following fields explicitly to the empty string would previously have caused the default behaviour to be used. In v1beta1 it will result in an empty string being used instead. To retain the default behaviour in v1beta1, do not set the value at all. When objects are upgraded automatically by the controller, empty values will become unset values by default, so this applies only to newly created objects.
- nameSuffix
- description
The following fields in PortOpts
are renamed in order to keep them consistent with K8s API conventions:
Change to availabilityZone
for additionalBlockDevices
Prior to v1beta1 it was not possible to specify a volume with no availability zone, allowing Cinder to allocate the volume according to its default policy. Previously, if no availability zone was given CAPO would use the value of failureDomain
from the associated Machine
In v1beta1 this default changes. In v1beta1, if no availabilityZone
is specified, CAPO will not specify an availability zone for the created volume.
To support this whilst continuing to support the previous behaviour, availabilityZone
becomes a struct with 2 fields:
specifies where we get the availability zone from. It can be either Name
, or Machine
. It can be omitted, and the default is Name
, in which case the value of the name
field will be used. Specifying Machine
provides the previous default behaviour.
is a specific availability zone to use.
For example, a volume with an explicit AZ in:
- v1alpha7
- name: extra sizeGiB: 1000 storage: type: volume volume: type: ceph availabilityZone: az1
- v1beta1
- name: extra sizeGiB: 1000 storage: type: volume volume: type: ceph availabilityZone: name: az1
A volume which uses the value of failureDomain
from the Machine
- v1alpha7
- name: extra sizeGiB: 1000 storage: type: volume volume: type: ceph
- v1beta1
- name: extra sizeGiB: 1000 storage: type: volume volume: type: ceph availabilityZone: from: Machine
A volume which explicitly has no availability zone:
- v1alpha7: Not possible
- v1beta1
- name: extra sizeGiB: 1000 storage: type: volume volume: type: ceph
Volumes upgraded from prior versions will retain their current semantics, so volumes which previously specified no availabilityZone will have an availabilityZone with from: Machine
Changes to rootVolume
The rootVolume
field has been updated to be consistent with the volume specification for additionalBlockDevices
. Specifically:
becomes a struct with the same semantics asavailabilityZone
, described above.
For example:
- v1alpha7
rootVolume: diskSize: 50 volumeType: ceph
- v1beta1
rootVolume: sizeGiB: 50 type: ceph availabilityZone: from: Machine
Addition of floatingIPPoolRef
A new field, FloatingIPPoolRef, has been introduced. It is important to note that this feature requires the existence of an IPPool to operate seamlessly. This new field references an IPPool whice will be used for floating IP allocation.
In additon to this field an IPPool resource called OpenStackFloatingIPPool
has been added. Please note that this resource is new and still in alpha meaning its more likely to contain bugs and change in the future.
When creating an OpenStackFloatingIPPool resource named MyOpenStackFloatingIPPool, you can reference it within your OpenStackMachine configuration YAML as follows:
apiGroup: "infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io"
kind: "OpenStackFloatingIPPool"
name: "MyOpenStackFloatingIPPool"
Removal of cloudName
This has moved to identityRef.cloudName
identityRef is now required
The API server would previously accept an OpenStackCluster
without an identityRef
, although the controller would generate an error. In v1beta1 the API server will no longer accept an OpenStackCluster
without an identityRef
Note that this is in contrast identityRef
in OpenStackMachine
, which remains optional: OpenStackMachine
will default to the credentials in OpenStackCluster
if not specified.
Change to externalNetworkID
The field externalNetworkID
has been renamed to externalNetwork
and is now a NetworkParam
object rather than a string ID.
The NetworkParam
object allows selection of a network by id or filter parameters.
externalNetworkID: "e60f19e7-cb37-49f9-a2ee-0a1281f6e03e"
id: "e60f19e7-cb37-49f9-a2ee-0a1281f6e03e"
It is now possible to specify a NetworkParam
object to select the external network to use for the cluster. The NetworkParam
object allows to select the network by id or by filter, which can select by name, ID or tags.
name: "public"
If a network is provided, it will be added to OpenStackCluster.Status.ExternalNetwork
. If the network can’t be found, an error will be returned.
If no network is provided, CAPO will try to find network marked “External” and add it to OpenStackCluster.Status.ExternalNetwork
. If it can’t find a network marked “External”,
will be set to nil.
If more than one network is found, an error will be returned.
It is now possible for a user to specify that no external network should be used by setting DisableExternalNetwork
to true
disableExternalNetwork: true
Change to floatingIP
The OpenStackMachineSpec.FloatingIP
field has moved to OpenStackClusterSpec.Bastion.FloatingIP
For example, if you had the following OpenStackMachineTemplate
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha6
kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-md-0
floatingIP: ""
This will safely converted to use Bastion.FloatingIP
when upgrading to version 0.8.
To use the new Bastion.FloatingIP
field, here is an example:
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha7
kind: OpenStackCluster
floatingIP: ""
The new field has IPv4 validation added.
Change to subnet
In v1beta1, Subnet
of OpenStackCluster
is modified to Subnets
to allow specification of two existing subnets for the dual-stack scenario.
id: a532beb0-c73a-4b5d-af66-3ad05b73d063
In v1beta1, this will be automatically converted to:
- id: a532beb0-c73a-4b5d-af66-3ad05b73d063
allows specifications of maximum two SubnetParam
s one being IPv4 and the other IPv6. Both subnets must be on the same network. Any filtered subnets will be added to OpenStackCluster.Status.Network.Subnets
When subnets are not specified on OpenStackCluster
and only the network is, the network is used to identify the subnets to use. If more than two subnets exist in the network, the user must specify which ones to use by defining the OpenStackCluster.Spec.Subnets
See Filters are replaced by params with separate id and filter for changes to the SubnetFilter
Change to nodeCidr and dnsNameservers
In v1beta1, OpenStackCluster.Spec.ManagedSubnets
array field is introduced. The NodeCIDR
and DNSNameservers
fields of OpenStackCluster.Spec
are moved into that structure (renaming NodeCIDR
). For example:
nodeCidr: ""
- ""
In v1beta1, this will be automatically converted to:
- cidr: ""
- ""
Please note that currently managedSubnets
can only hold one element.
Addition of allocationPools
In v1beta1, an AllocationPools
property is introduced to OpenStackCluster.Spec.ManagedSubnets
. When specified, OpenStack subnet created by CAPO will have the given values set as the allocation_pools
property. This allows users to make sure OpenStack will not allocate some IP ranges in the subnet automatically. If the subnet is precreated and configured, CAPO will ignore AllocationPools
Change to managedSecurityGroups
The field managedSecurityGroups
is now a pointer to a ManagedSecurityGroups
object rather than a boolean.
Also, we can now add security group rules that authorize traffic from all nodes via allNodesSecurityGroupRules
It takes a list of security groups rules that should be applied to selected nodes.
The following rule fields are mutually exclusive: remoteManagedGroups
, remoteGroupID
and remoteIPPrefix
If none of these fields are set, the rule will have a remote IP prefix of
per Neutron default.
Valid values for `remoteManagedGroups` are `controlplane`, `worker` and `bastion`.
Also, `OpenStackCluster.Spec.AllowAllInClusterTraffic` moved under `ManagedSecurityGroups`.
managedSecurityGroups: true
managedSecurityGroups: {}
allowAllInClusterTraffic: true
managedSecurityGroups: true
allowAllInClusterTraffic: true
To apply a security group rule that will allow BGP between the control plane and workers, you can follow this example:
- remoteManagedGroups:
- controlplane
- worker
direction: ingress
etherType: IPv4
name: BGP (Calico)
portRangeMin: 179
portRangeMax: 179
protocol: tcp
description: "Allow BGP between control plane and workers"
Calico CNI
Historically we used to create the necessary security group rules for Calico CNI to work. This is no longer the case.
Now the user needs to request creation of the security group rules by using the managedSecurityGroups.allNodesSecurityGroupRules
Note that when upgrading from a previous version, the Calico CNI security group rules will be added automatically to
allow backwards compatibility if allowAllInClusterTraffic
is set to false.
Change to network
In v1beta1, when the OpenStackCluster.Spec.Network
is not defined, the Subnets
are now used to identify the Network
Change to networkMtu
In v1beta1, OpenStackCluster.spec.NetworkMtu
becomes OpenStackCluster.spec.NetworkMTU
in order to keep the name consistent with K8s API conventions.
Changes to apiServerLoadBalancer
In v1beta1, OpenStackCluster.spec.apiServerLoadBalancer
becomes optional and can be entirely omitted. Therefore enabled
can be assumed by the presence of the field. Consequently enabled
now defaults to true
if apiServerLoadBalancer
is specified. The following are now equivalent:
enabled: true
apiServerLoadBalancer: {}
Changes to bastion
In v1beta1 the Bastion is enabled by default if a bastion is specified in OpenStackCluster.spec.bastion
but enabled
is not included. However, it is still required to set enabled
explicitly to false
before removing the bastion. We intend to remove this requirement in the future at which point the enabled
field will be redundant.
In v1beta1, OpenStackCluster.spec.bastion.instance
becomes OpenStackCluster.spec.bastion.spec
name: foobar
name: foobar
Changes to filters
Filters are replaced by params with separate id and filter
We previously defined filters for specifying each of the following:
- Images
- Networks
- Subnets
- Security Groups
- Routers
In addition, ServerGroupParam is new in v1beta1, but works in the same way.
Taking Images as an example, in OpenStackMachineSpec
the image
parameter accepted the following fields:
- id
- name
- tags
However, there were 2 different behaviours here depending on which fields were specified. If id
was specified we both ignored all other fields, and made no attempt to validate the id because it cannot be known unless it exists. If id
was not specified we performed an OpenStack query using the other parameters to determine the id. This behaviour is both difficult to describe and validate, so in v1beta1 we have separated the 2 different behaviours into different fields. The id
field remains, but all other fields become part of a new filter
parameter. It is required to specify either id
or filter
. Specifying both, neither, or an empty filter, will now result in an admission failure (the API server will reject the operation immediately).
We have also added validation to the id field, which must now parse as a uuid. An id field which does not parse as a uuid will also result in an admission failure.
Specifying a filter object by id remains unchanged.
id: 02e31c38-d5ba-4c57-addb-00fc71eb5b19
Specifying a filter object by a filter parameter must now move filter parameters into the filter field:
name: my-image
- my-tag
name: my-image
- my-tag
The same principle applies to all the filter types. For example:
To specify externalNetwork
by id in OpenStackClusterSpec
id: 0a5d4e3d-0a2c-4bed-9172-72544db1f8da
or by name:
name: my-external-network
Changes to filter tags
We currently define filters on 4 different Neutron resources which are used throughout the API:
- Networks
- Subnets
- Security Groups
- Routers
Each of these filters provide the following fields which filter by tag:
- tags
- tagsAny
- notTags
- notTagsAny
We previously passed this value to Neutron without change, which treated it as a comma-separated list. In v1beta1 each of the tags fields becomes a list of tags. e.g.:
tags: "foo,bar"
- foo
- bar
Due to the limitations of the encoding of tag queries in Neutron, tags must be non-empty and may not contain commas. Tags will be automatically converted to a list of tags during conversion.
Field capitalization consistency
In order to keep field names consistent with K8s API conventions, various fields in the Filters
are renamed. This includes:
API reference
package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the infrastructure v1alpha1 API group
Resource Types:OpenStackServer
OpenStackServer is the Schema for the openstackservers API.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
OpenStackServer |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec OpenStackServerSpec |
status OpenStackServerStatus |
OpenStackFloatingIPPool is the Schema for the openstackfloatingippools API.
Field | Description | ||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec OpenStackFloatingIPPoolSpec |
status OpenStackFloatingIPPoolStatus |
(Appears on: OpenStackFloatingIPPool)
OpenStackFloatingIPPoolSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackFloatingIPPool.
Field | Description |
preAllocatedFloatingIPs []string |
PreAllocatedFloatingIPs is a list of floating IPs precreated in OpenStack that should be used by this pool. These are used before allocating new ones and are not deleted from OpenStack when the pool is deleted. |
maxIPs int |
MaxIPs is the maximum number of floating ips that can be allocated from this pool, if nil there is no limit. If set, the pool will stop allocating floating ips when it reaches this number of ClaimedIPs. |
identityRef sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.OpenStackIdentityReference |
IdentityRef is a reference to a identity to be used when reconciling this pool. |
floatingIPNetwork sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.NetworkParam |
FloatingIPNetwork is the external network to use for floating ips, if there’s only one external network it will be used by default |
reclaimPolicy ReclaimPolicy |
The stratergy to use for reclaiming floating ips when they are released from a machine |
(Appears on: OpenStackFloatingIPPool)
OpenStackFloatingIPPoolStatus defines the observed state of OpenStackFloatingIPPool.
Field | Description |
claimedIPs []string |
(Optional) |
availableIPs []string |
(Optional) |
failedIPs []string |
FailedIPs contains a list of floating ips that failed to be allocated |
floatingIPNetwork sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.NetworkStatus |
floatingIPNetwork contains information about the network used for floating ips |
conditions sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/api/v1beta1.Conditions |
(Appears on: OpenStackServer)
OpenStackServerSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackServer.
Field | Description |
additionalBlockDevices []sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.AdditionalBlockDevice |
AdditionalBlockDevices is a list of specifications for additional block devices to attach to the server instance. |
availabilityZone string |
AvailabilityZone is the availability zone in which to create the server instance. |
configDrive bool |
ConfigDrive is a flag to enable config drive for the server instance. |
flavor string |
The flavor reference for the flavor for the server instance. |
flavorID string |
FlavorID allows flavors to be specified by ID. This field takes precedence over Flavor. |
floatingIPPoolRef Kubernetes core/v1.TypedLocalObjectReference |
FloatingIPPoolRef is a reference to a FloatingIPPool to allocate a floating IP from. |
identityRef sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.OpenStackIdentityReference |
IdentityRef is a reference to a secret holding OpenStack credentials. |
image sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.ImageParam |
The image to use for the server instance. |
ports []sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.PortOpts |
Ports to be attached to the server instance. |
rootVolume sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.RootVolume |
RootVolume is the specification for the root volume of the server instance. |
sshKeyName string |
SSHKeyName is the name of the SSH key to inject in the instance. |
securityGroups []sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.SecurityGroupParam |
SecurityGroups is a list of security groups names to assign to the instance. |
serverGroup sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.ServerGroupParam |
ServerGroup is the server group to which the server instance belongs. |
serverMetadata []sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.ServerMetadata |
ServerMetadata is a map of key value pairs to add to the server instance. |
tags []string |
Tags which will be added to the machine and all dependent resources which support them. These are in addition to Tags defined on the cluster. Requires Nova api 2.52 minimum! |
trunk bool |
Trunk is a flag to indicate if the server instance is created on a trunk port or not. |
userDataRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
UserDataRef is a reference to a secret containing the user data to be injected into the server instance. |
schedulerHintAdditionalProperties []sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.SchedulerHintAdditionalProperty |
SchedulerHintAdditionalProperties are arbitrary key/value pairs that provide additional hints to the OpenStack scheduler. These hints can influence how instances are placed on the infrastructure, such as specifying certain host aggregates or availability zones. |
(Appears on: OpenStackServer)
OpenStackServerStatus defines the observed state of OpenStackServer.
Field | Description |
ready bool |
Ready is true when the OpenStack server is ready. |
instanceID string |
InstanceID is the ID of the server instance. |
instanceState sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.InstanceState |
InstanceState is the state of the server instance. |
addresses []Kubernetes core/v1.NodeAddress |
Addresses is the list of addresses of the server instance. |
resolved ResolvedServerSpec |
Resolved contains parts of the machine spec with all external references fully resolved. |
resources ServerResources |
Resources contains references to OpenStack resources created for the machine. |
conditions sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/api/v1beta1.Conditions |
Conditions defines current service state of the OpenStackServer. |
(Appears on: OpenStackFloatingIPPoolSpec)
ReclaimPolicy is a string type alias to represent reclaim policies for floating ips.
Value | Description |
"Delete" |
ReclaimDelete is the reclaim policy for floating ips. |
"Retain" |
ReclaimRetain is the reclaim policy for floating ips. |
(Appears on: OpenStackServerStatus)
ResolvedServerSpec contains resolved references to resources required by the server.
Field | Description |
serverGroupID string |
ServerGroupID is the ID of the server group the server should be added to and is calculated based on ServerGroupFilter. |
imageID string |
ImageID is the ID of the image to use for the server and is calculated based on ImageFilter. |
flavorID string |
FlavorID is the ID of the flavor to use. |
ports []sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.ResolvedPortSpec |
Ports is the fully resolved list of ports to create for the server. |
(Appears on: OpenStackServerStatus)
ServerResources contains references to OpenStack resources created for the server.
Field | Description |
ports []sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/api/v1beta1.PortStatus |
Ports is the status of the ports created for the server. |
Value | Description |
"CreateError" |
Generated with gen-crd-api-reference-docs
Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the infrastructure v1beta1 API group.
Resource Types:OpenStackCluster
OpenStackCluster is the Schema for the openstackclusters API.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
OpenStackCluster |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec OpenStackClusterSpec |
status OpenStackClusterStatus |
OpenStackClusterTemplate is the Schema for the openstackclustertemplates API.
Field | Description | ||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
OpenStackClusterTemplate |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec |
OpenStackMachine is the Schema for the openstackmachines API.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
OpenStackMachine |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec OpenStackMachineSpec |
status OpenStackMachineStatus |
OpenStackMachineTemplate is the Schema for the openstackmachinetemplates API.
Field | Description | ||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
OpenStackMachineTemplate |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec |
(Appears on: OpenStackClusterSpec)
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled defines whether a load balancer should be created. This value defaults to true if an APIServerLoadBalancer is given. There is no reason to set this to false. To disable creation of the API server loadbalancer, omit the APIServerLoadBalancer field in the cluster spec instead. |
additionalPorts []int |
AdditionalPorts adds additional tcp ports to the load balancer. |
allowedCIDRs []string |
AllowedCIDRs restrict access to all API-Server listeners to the given address CIDRs. |
provider string |
Provider specifies name of a specific Octavia provider to use for the API load balancer. The Octavia default will be used if it is not specified. |
network NetworkParam |
Network defines which network should the load balancer be allocated on. |
subnets []SubnetParam |
Subnets define which subnets should the load balancer be allocated on. It is expected that subnets are located on the network specified in this resource. Only the first element is taken into account. kubebuilder:validation:MaxLength:=2 |
availabilityZone string |
AvailabilityZone is the failure domain that will be used to create the APIServerLoadBalancer Spec. |
flavor string |
Flavor is the flavor name that will be used to create the APIServerLoadBalancer Spec. |
(Appears on: OpenStackMachineSpec)
AdditionalBlockDevice is a block device to attach to the server.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name of the block device in the context of a machine. If the block device is a volume, the Cinder volume will be named as a combination of the machine name and this name. Also, this name will be used for tagging the block device. Information about the block device tag can be obtained from the OpenStack metadata API or the config drive. Name cannot be ‘root’, which is reserved for the root volume. |
sizeGiB int |
SizeGiB is the size of the block device in gibibytes (GiB). |
storage BlockDeviceStorage |
Storage specifies the storage type of the block device and additional storage options. |
(Appears on: ResolvedPortSpecFields)
Field | Description |
ipAddress string |
IPAddress is the IP address of the allowed address pair. Depending on the configuration of Neutron, it may be supported to specify a CIDR instead of a specific IP address. |
macAddress string |
MACAddress is the MAC address of the allowed address pair. If not specified, the MAC address will be the MAC address of the port. |
(Appears on: SubnetSpec)
Field | Description |
start string |
Start represents the start of the AllocationPool, that is the lowest IP of the pool. |
end string |
End represents the end of the AlloctionPool, that is the highest IP of the pool. |
(Appears on: OpenStackClusterSpec)
Bastion represents basic information about the bastion node. If you enable bastion, the spec has to be specified.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled means that bastion is enabled. The bastion is enabled by default if this field is not specified. Set this field to false to disable the bastion. It is not currently possible to remove the bastion from the cluster spec without first disabling it by setting this field to false and waiting until the bastion has been deleted. |
spec OpenStackMachineSpec |
Spec for the bastion itself |
availabilityZone string |
AvailabilityZone is the failure domain that will be used to create the Bastion Spec. |
floatingIP string |
FloatingIP which will be associated to the bastion machine. It’s the IP address, not UUID. The floating IP should already exist and should not be associated with a port. If FIP of this address does not exist, CAPO will try to create it, but by default only OpenStack administrators have privileges to do so. |
(Appears on: OpenStackClusterStatus)
Field | Description |
id string |
name string |
sshKeyName string |
state InstanceState |
ip string |
floatingIP string |
resolved ResolvedMachineSpec |
Resolved contains parts of the bastion’s machine spec with all external references fully resolved. |
resources MachineResources |
Resources contains references to OpenStack resources created for the bastion. |
(Appears on: ResolvedPortSpecFields)
Field | Description |
ovsHWOffload bool |
OVSHWOffload enables or disables the OVS hardware offload feature. This flag is not required on OpenStack clouds since Yoga as Nova will set it automatically when the port is attached. See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/2020813 |
trustedVF bool |
TrustedVF enables or disables the “trusted mode” for the VF. |
(Appears on: AdditionalBlockDevice)
BlockDeviceStorage is the storage type of a block device to create and contains additional storage options.
Field | Description |
type BlockDeviceType |
Type is the type of block device to create. This can be either “Volume” or “Local”. |
volume BlockDeviceVolume |
Volume contains additional storage options for a volume block device. |
(Appears on: BlockDeviceStorage)
BlockDeviceType defines the type of block device to create.
Value | Description |
"Local" |
LocalBlockDevice is an ephemeral block device attached to the server. |
"Volume" |
VolumeBlockDevice is a volume block device attached to the server. |
(Appears on: BlockDeviceStorage, RootVolume)
BlockDeviceVolume contains additional storage options for a volume block device.
Field | Description |
type string |
Type is the Cinder volume type of the volume. If omitted, the default Cinder volume type that is configured in the OpenStack cloud will be used. |
availabilityZone VolumeAvailabilityZone |
AvailabilityZone is the volume availability zone to create the volume in. If not specified, the volume will be created without an explicit availability zone. |
(Appears on: OpenStackClusterSpec)
Field | Description |
fixedIP string |
The FixedIP in the corresponding subnet |
subnet SubnetParam |
The subnet in which the FixedIP is used for the Gateway of this router |
(Appears on: NetworkFilter, RouterFilter, SecurityGroupFilter, SubnetFilter)
Field | Description |
tags []NeutronTag |
Tags is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, the resource must have all of the tags specified to be included in the result. |
tagsAny []NeutronTag |
TagsAny is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, the resource must have at least one of the tags specified to be included in the result. |
notTags []NeutronTag |
NotTags is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, resources which contain all of the given tags will be excluded from the result. |
notTagsAny []NeutronTag |
NotTagsAny is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, resources which contain any of the given tags will be excluded from the result. |
(Appears on: PortOpts)
Field | Description |
subnet SubnetParam |
Subnet is an openstack subnet query that will return the id of a subnet to create the fixed IP of a port in. This query must not return more than one subnet. |
ipAddress string |
IPAddress is a specific IP address to assign to the port. If Subnet is also specified, IPAddress must be a valid IP address in the subnet. If Subnet is not specified, IPAddress must be a valid IP address in any subnet of the port’s network. |
IdentityRefProvider is an interface for obtaining OpenStack credentials from an API object
(Appears on: ImageParam)
ImageFilter describes a query for an image.
Field | Description |
name string |
The name of the desired image. If specified, the combination of name and tags must return a single matching image or an error will be raised. |
tags []string |
The tags associated with the desired image. If specified, the combination of name and tags must return a single matching image or an error will be raised. |
(Appears on: OpenStackMachineSpec)
ImageParam describes a glance image. It can be specified by ID, filter, or a reference to an ORC Image.
Field | Description |
id string |
ID is the uuid of the image. ID will not be validated before use. |
filter ImageFilter |
Filter describes a query for an image. If specified, the combination of name and tags must return a single matching image or an error will be raised. |
imageRef ResourceReference |
ImageRef is a reference to an ORC Image in the same namespace as the referring object. |
(Appears on: BastionStatus, OpenStackMachineStatus)
InstanceState describes the state of an OpenStack instance.
(Appears on: OpenStackClusterStatus)
LoadBalancer represents basic information about the associated OpenStack LoadBalancer.
Field | Description |
name string |
id string |
ip string |
internalIP string |
allowedCIDRs []string |
(Optional) |
tags []string |
(Optional) |
loadBalancerNetwork NetworkStatusWithSubnets |
LoadBalancerNetwork contains information about network and/or subnets which the loadbalancer is allocated on. If subnets are specified within the LoadBalancerNetwork currently only the first subnet in the list is taken into account. |
(Appears on: BastionStatus, OpenStackMachineStatus)
Field | Description |
ports []PortStatus |
Ports is the status of the ports created for the machine. |
(Appears on: SecurityGroupRuleSpec)
(Appears on: OpenStackClusterSpec)
ManagedSecurityGroups defines the desired state of security groups and rules for the cluster.
Field | Description |
allNodesSecurityGroupRules []SecurityGroupRuleSpec |
allNodesSecurityGroupRules defines the rules that should be applied to all nodes. |
controlPlaneNodesSecurityGroupRules []SecurityGroupRuleSpec |
controlPlaneNodesSecurityGroupRules defines the rules that should be applied to control plane nodes. |
workerNodesSecurityGroupRules []SecurityGroupRuleSpec |
workerNodesSecurityGroupRules defines the rules that should be applied to worker nodes. |
allowAllInClusterTraffic bool |
AllowAllInClusterTraffic allows all ingress and egress traffic between cluster nodes when set to true. |
(Appears on: NetworkParam)
NetworkFilter specifies a query to select an OpenStack network. At least one property must be set.
Field | Description |
name string |
description string |
projectID string |
FilterByNeutronTags FilterByNeutronTags |
(Members of |
(Appears on: APIServerLoadBalancer, OpenStackClusterSpec, PortOpts)
NetworkParam specifies an OpenStack network. It may be specified by either ID or Filter, but not both.
Field | Description |
id string |
ID is the ID of the network to use. If ID is provided, the other filters cannot be provided. Must be in UUID format. |
filter NetworkFilter |
Filter specifies a filter to select an OpenStack network. If provided, cannot be empty. |
(Appears on: NetworkStatusWithSubnets, OpenStackClusterStatus)
NetworkStatus contains basic information about an existing neutron network.
Field | Description |
name string |
id string |
tags []string |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: LoadBalancer, OpenStackClusterStatus)
NetworkStatusWithSubnets represents basic information about an existing neutron network and an associated set of subnets.
Field | Description |
NetworkStatus NetworkStatus |
(Members of |
subnets []Subnet |
Subnets is a list of subnets associated with the default cluster network. Machines which use the default cluster network will get an address from all of these subnets. |
(Appears on: FilterByNeutronTags)
NeutronTag represents a tag on a Neutron resource. It may not be empty and may not contain commas.
(Appears on: OpenStackCluster, OpenStackClusterTemplateResource)
OpenStackClusterSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackCluster.
Field | Description |
managedSubnets []SubnetSpec |
ManagedSubnets describe OpenStack Subnets to be created. Cluster actuator will create a network, subnets with the defined CIDR, and a router connected to these subnets. Currently only one IPv4 subnet is supported. If you leave this empty, no network will be created. |
router RouterParam |
Router specifies an existing router to be used if ManagedSubnets are specified. If specified, no new router will be created. |
network NetworkParam |
Network specifies an existing network to use if no ManagedSubnets are specified. |
subnets []SubnetParam |
Subnets specifies existing subnets to use if not ManagedSubnets are specified. All subnets must be in the network specified by Network. There can be zero, one, or two subnets. If no subnets are specified, all subnets in Network will be used. If 2 subnets are specified, one must be IPv4 and the other IPv6. |
networkMTU int |
NetworkMTU sets the maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation for the private network ID. This value will be used only if the Cluster actuator creates the network. If left empty, the network will have the default MTU defined in Openstack network service. To use this field, the Openstack installation requires the net-mtu neutron API extension. |
externalRouterIPs []ExternalRouterIPParam |
ExternalRouterIPs is an array of externalIPs on the respective subnets. This is necessary if the router needs a fixed ip in a specific subnet. |
externalNetwork NetworkParam |
ExternalNetwork is the OpenStack Network to be used to get public internet to the VMs. This option is ignored if DisableExternalNetwork is set to true. If ExternalNetwork is defined it must refer to exactly one external network. If ExternalNetwork is not defined or is empty the controller will use any existing external network as long as there is only one. It is an error if ExternalNetwork is not defined and there are multiple external networks unless DisableExternalNetwork is also set. If ExternalNetwork is not defined and there are no external networks the controller will proceed as though DisableExternalNetwork was set. |
disableExternalNetwork bool |
DisableExternalNetwork specifies whether or not to attempt to connect the cluster to an external network. This allows for the creation of clusters when connecting to an external network is not possible or desirable, e.g. if using a provider network. |
apiServerLoadBalancer APIServerLoadBalancer |
APIServerLoadBalancer configures the optional LoadBalancer for the APIServer. If not specified, no load balancer will be created for the API server. |
disableAPIServerFloatingIP bool |
DisableAPIServerFloatingIP determines whether or not to attempt to attach a floating IP to the API server. This allows for the creation of clusters when attaching a floating IP to the API server (and hence, in many cases, exposing the API server to the internet) is not possible or desirable, e.g. if using a shared VLAN for communication between management and workload clusters or when the management cluster is inside the project network. This option requires that the API server use a VIP on the cluster network so that the underlying machines can change without changing ControlPlaneEndpoint.Host. When using a managed load balancer, this VIP will be managed automatically. If not using a managed load balancer, cluster configuration will fail without additional configuration to manage the VIP on the control plane machines, which falls outside of the scope of this controller. |
apiServerFloatingIP string |
APIServerFloatingIP is the floatingIP which will be associated with the API server. The floatingIP will be created if it does not already exist. If not specified, a new floatingIP is allocated. This field is not used if DisableAPIServerFloatingIP is set to true. |
apiServerFixedIP string |
APIServerFixedIP is the fixed IP which will be associated with the API server. In the case where the API server has a floating IP but not a managed load balancer, this field is not used. If a managed load balancer is used and this field is not specified, a fixed IP will be dynamically allocated for the load balancer. If a managed load balancer is not used AND the API server floating IP is disabled, this field MUST be specified and should correspond to a pre-allocated port that holds the fixed IP to be used as a VIP. |
apiServerPort uint16 |
APIServerPort is the port on which the listener on the APIServer will be created. If specified, it must be an integer between 0 and 65535. |
managedSecurityGroups ManagedSecurityGroups |
ManagedSecurityGroups determines whether OpenStack security groups for the cluster will be managed by the OpenStack provider or whether pre-existing security groups will be specified as part of the configuration. By default, the managed security groups have rules that allow the Kubelet, etcd, and the Kubernetes API server to function correctly. It’s possible to add additional rules to the managed security groups. When defined to an empty struct, the managed security groups will be created with the default rules. |
disablePortSecurity bool |
DisablePortSecurity disables the port security of the network created for the Kubernetes cluster, which also disables SecurityGroups |
tags []string |
Tags to set on all resources in cluster which support tags |
controlPlaneEndpoint sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/api/v1beta1.APIEndpoint |
ControlPlaneEndpoint represents the endpoint used to communicate with the control plane. It is normally populated automatically by the OpenStackCluster controller during cluster provisioning. If it is set on creation the control plane endpoint will use the values set here in preference to values set elsewhere. ControlPlaneEndpoint cannot be modified after ControlPlaneEndpoint.Host has been set. |
controlPlaneAvailabilityZones []string |
ControlPlaneAvailabilityZones is the set of availability zones which control plane machines may be deployed to. |
controlPlaneOmitAvailabilityZone bool |
ControlPlaneOmitAvailabilityZone causes availability zone to be omitted when creating control plane nodes, allowing the Nova scheduler to make a decision on which availability zone to use based on other scheduling constraints |
bastion Bastion |
Bastion is the OpenStack instance to login the nodes As a rolling update is not ideal during a bastion host session, we
prevent changes to a running bastion configuration. To make changes, it’s required
to first set |
identityRef OpenStackIdentityReference |
IdentityRef is a reference to a secret holding OpenStack credentials to be used when reconciling this cluster. It is also to reconcile machines unless overridden in the machine spec. |
(Appears on: OpenStackCluster)
OpenStackClusterStatus defines the observed state of OpenStackCluster.
Field | Description |
ready bool |
Ready is true when the cluster infrastructure is ready. |
network NetworkStatusWithSubnets |
Network contains information about the created OpenStack Network. |
externalNetwork NetworkStatus |
ExternalNetwork contains information about the external network used for default ingress and egress traffic. |
router Router |
Router describes the default cluster router |
apiServerLoadBalancer LoadBalancer |
APIServerLoadBalancer describes the api server load balancer if one exists |
failureDomains sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/api/v1beta1.FailureDomains |
FailureDomains represent OpenStack availability zones |
controlPlaneSecurityGroup SecurityGroupStatus |
ControlPlaneSecurityGroup contains the information about the OpenStack Security Group that needs to be applied to control plane nodes. |
workerSecurityGroup SecurityGroupStatus |
WorkerSecurityGroup contains the information about the OpenStack Security Group that needs to be applied to worker nodes. |
bastionSecurityGroup SecurityGroupStatus |
BastionSecurityGroup contains the information about the OpenStack Security Group that needs to be applied to worker nodes. |
bastion BastionStatus |
Bastion contains the information about the deployed bastion host |
failureReason sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/pkg/utils/errors.DeprecatedCAPIClusterStatusError |
FailureReason will be set in the event that there is a terminal problem reconciling the OpenStackCluster and will contain a succinct value suitable for machine interpretation. This field should not be set for transitive errors that a controller faces that are expected to be fixed automatically over time (like service outages), but instead indicate that something is fundamentally wrong with the OpenStackCluster’s spec or the configuration of the controller, and that manual intervention is required. Examples of terminal errors would be invalid combinations of settings in the spec, values that are unsupported by the controller, or the responsible controller itself being critically misconfigured. Any transient errors that occur during the reconciliation of OpenStackClusters can be added as events to the OpenStackCluster object and/or logged in the controller’s output. |
failureMessage string |
FailureMessage will be set in the event that there is a terminal problem reconciling the OpenStackCluster and will contain a more verbose string suitable for logging and human consumption. This field should not be set for transitive errors that a controller faces that are expected to be fixed automatically over time (like service outages), but instead indicate that something is fundamentally wrong with the OpenStackCluster’s spec or the configuration of the controller, and that manual intervention is required. Examples of terminal errors would be invalid combinations of settings in the spec, values that are unsupported by the controller, or the responsible controller itself being critically misconfigured. Any transient errors that occur during the reconciliation of OpenStackClusters can be added as events to the OpenStackCluster object and/or logged in the controller’s output. |
(Appears on: OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec)
OpenStackClusterTemplateResource describes the data needed to create a OpenStackCluster from a template.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
spec OpenStackClusterSpec |
(Appears on: OpenStackClusterTemplate)
OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackClusterTemplate.
Field | Description |
template OpenStackClusterTemplateResource |
(Appears on: OpenStackClusterSpec, OpenStackMachineSpec)
OpenStackIdentityReference is a reference to an infrastructure provider identity to be used to provision cluster resources.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of a secret in the same namespace as the resource being provisioned.
The secret must contain a key named |
cloudName string |
CloudName specifies the name of the entry in the clouds.yaml file to use. |
region string |
Region specifies an OpenStack region to use. If specified, it overrides any value in clouds.yaml. If specified for an OpenStackMachine, its value will be included in providerID. |
(Appears on: OpenStackMachine, Bastion, OpenStackMachineTemplateResource)
OpenStackMachineSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackMachine.
Field | Description |
providerID string |
ProviderID is the unique identifier as specified by the cloud provider. |
flavor string |
The flavor reference for the flavor for your server instance. |
flavorID string |
FlavorID allows flavors to be specified by ID. This field takes precedence over Flavor. |
image ImageParam |
The image to use for your server instance. If the rootVolume is specified, this will be used when creating the root volume. |
sshKeyName string |
The ssh key to inject in the instance |
ports []PortOpts |
Ports to be attached to the server instance. They are created if a port with the given name does not already exist. If not specified a default port will be added for the default cluster network. |
securityGroups []SecurityGroupParam |
The names of the security groups to assign to the instance |
trunk bool |
Whether the server instance is created on a trunk port or not. |
tags []string |
Tags which will be added to the machine and all dependent resources which support them. These are in addition to Tags defined on the cluster. Requires Nova api 2.52 minimum! |
serverMetadata []ServerMetadata |
Metadata mapping. Allows you to create a map of key value pairs to add to the server instance. |
configDrive bool |
Config Drive support |
rootVolume RootVolume |
The volume metadata to boot from |
additionalBlockDevices []AdditionalBlockDevice |
AdditionalBlockDevices is a list of specifications for additional block devices to attach to the server instance |
serverGroup ServerGroupParam |
The server group to assign the machine to. |
identityRef OpenStackIdentityReference |
IdentityRef is a reference to a secret holding OpenStack credentials to be used when reconciling this machine. If not specified, the credentials specified in the cluster will be used. |
floatingIPPoolRef Kubernetes core/v1.TypedLocalObjectReference |
floatingIPPoolRef is a reference to a IPPool that will be assigned to an IPAddressClaim. Once the IPAddressClaim is fulfilled, the FloatingIP will be assigned to the OpenStackMachine. |
schedulerHintAdditionalProperties []SchedulerHintAdditionalProperty |
SchedulerHintAdditionalProperties are arbitrary key/value pairs that provide additional hints to the OpenStack scheduler. These hints can influence how instances are placed on the infrastructure, such as specifying certain host aggregates or availability zones. |
(Appears on: OpenStackMachine)
OpenStackMachineStatus defines the observed state of OpenStackMachine.
Field | Description |
ready bool |
Ready is true when the provider resource is ready. |
instanceID string |
InstanceID is the OpenStack instance ID for this machine. |
addresses []Kubernetes core/v1.NodeAddress |
Addresses contains the OpenStack instance associated addresses. |
instanceState InstanceState |
InstanceState is the state of the OpenStack instance for this machine. This field is not set anymore by the OpenStackMachine controller. Instead, it’s set by the OpenStackServer controller. |
resolved ResolvedMachineSpec |
Resolved contains parts of the machine spec with all external references fully resolved. |
resources MachineResources |
Resources contains references to OpenStack resources created for the machine. |
failureReason sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api-provider-openstack/pkg/utils/errors.DeprecatedCAPIMachineStatusError |
failureMessage string |
FailureMessage will be set in the event that there is a terminal problem reconciling the Machine and will contain a more verbose string suitable for logging and human consumption. This field should not be set for transitive errors that a controller faces that are expected to be fixed automatically over time (like service outages), but instead indicate that something is fundamentally wrong with the Machine’s spec or the configuration of the controller, and that manual intervention is required. Examples of terminal errors would be invalid combinations of settings in the spec, values that are unsupported by the controller, or the responsible controller itself being critically misconfigured. Any transient errors that occur during the reconciliation of Machines can be added as events to the Machine object and/or logged in the controller’s output. |
conditions sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/api/v1beta1.Conditions |
(Appears on: OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec)
OpenStackMachineTemplateResource describes the data needed to create a OpenStackMachine from a template.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
spec OpenStackMachineSpec |
Spec is the specification of the desired behavior of the machine.
(Appears on: OpenStackMachineTemplate)
OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackMachineTemplate.
Field | Description |
template OpenStackMachineTemplateResource |
(Appears on: OpenStackMachineSpec)
Field | Description |
network NetworkParam |
Network is a query for an openstack network that the port will be created or discovered on. This will fail if the query returns more than one network. |
description string |
Description is a human-readable description for the port. |
nameSuffix string |
NameSuffix will be appended to the name of the port if specified. If unspecified, instead the 0-based index of the port in the list is used. |
fixedIPs []FixedIP |
FixedIPs is a list of pairs of subnet and/or IP address to assign to the port. If specified, these must be subnets of the port’s network. |
securityGroups []SecurityGroupParam |
SecurityGroups is a list of the names, uuids, filters or any combination these of the security groups to assign to the instance. |
tags []string |
Tags applied to the port (and corresponding trunk, if a trunk is configured.) These tags are applied in addition to the instance’s tags, which will also be applied to the port. |
trunk bool |
Trunk specifies whether trunking is enabled at the port level. If not provided the value is inherited from the machine, or false for a bastion host. |
ResolvedPortSpecFields ResolvedPortSpecFields |
(Members of |
(Appears on: MachineResources)
Field | Description |
id string |
ID is the unique identifier of the port. |
(Appears on: ResolvedPortSpec)
ResolvedFixedIP is a FixedIP with the Subnet resolved to an ID.
Field | Description |
subnet string |
SubnetID is the id of a subnet to create the fixed IP of a port in. |
ipAddress string |
IPAddress is a specific IP address to assign to the port. If SubnetID is also specified, IPAddress must be a valid IP address in the subnet. If Subnet is not specified, IPAddress must be a valid IP address in any subnet of the port’s network. |
(Appears on: BastionStatus, OpenStackMachineStatus)
ResolvedMachineSpec contains resolved references to resources required by the machine.
Field | Description |
serverGroupID string |
ServerGroupID is the ID of the server group the machine should be added to and is calculated based on ServerGroupFilter. |
imageID string |
ImageID is the ID of the image to use for the machine and is calculated based on ImageFilter. |
flavorID string |
FlavorID is the ID of the flavor to use. |
ports []ResolvedPortSpec |
Ports is the fully resolved list of ports to create for the machine. |
(Appears on: ResolvedMachineSpec)
ResolvedPortSpec is a PortOpts with all contained references fully resolved.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the port. |
description string |
Description is a human-readable description for the port. |
networkID string |
NetworkID is the ID of the network the port will be created in. |
tags []string |
Tags applied to the port (and corresponding trunk, if a trunk is configured.) |
trunk bool |
Trunk specifies whether trunking is enabled at the port level. |
fixedIPs []ResolvedFixedIP |
FixedIPs is a list of pairs of subnet and/or IP address to assign to the port. If specified, these must be subnets of the port’s network. |
securityGroups []string |
SecurityGroups is a list of security group IDs to assign to the port. |
ResolvedPortSpecFields ResolvedPortSpecFields |
(Members of |
(Appears on: PortOpts, ResolvedPortSpec)
ResolvePortSpecFields is a convenience struct containing all fields of a PortOpts which don’t contain references which need to be resolved, and can therefore be shared with ResolvedPortSpec.
Field | Description |
adminStateUp bool |
AdminStateUp specifies whether the port should be created in the up (true) or down (false) state. The default is up. |
macAddress string |
MACAddress specifies the MAC address of the port. If not specified, the MAC address will be generated. |
allowedAddressPairs []AddressPair |
AllowedAddressPairs is a list of address pairs which Neutron will allow the port to send traffic from in addition to the port’s addresses. If not specified, the MAC Address will be the MAC Address of the port. Depending on the configuration of Neutron, it may be supported to specify a CIDR instead of a specific IP address. |
hostID string |
HostID specifies the ID of the host where the port resides. |
vnicType string |
VNICType specifies the type of vNIC which this port should be attached to. This is used to determine which mechanism driver(s) to be used to bind the port. The valid values are normal, macvtap, direct, baremetal, direct-physical, virtio-forwarder, smart-nic and remote-managed, although these values will not be validated in this API to ensure compatibility with future neutron changes or custom implementations. What type of vNIC is actually available depends on deployments. If not specified, the Neutron default value is used. |
profile BindingProfile |
Profile is a set of key-value pairs that are used for binding details. We intentionally don’t expose this as a map[string]string because we only want to enable the users to set the values of the keys that are known to work in OpenStack Networking API. See https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/network/v2/index.html?expanded=create-port-detail#create-port To set profiles, your tenant needs permissions rule:create_port, and rule:create_port:binding:profile |
disablePortSecurity bool |
DisablePortSecurity enables or disables the port security when set. When not set, it takes the value of the corresponding field at the network level. |
propagateUplinkStatus bool |
PropageteUplinkStatus enables or disables the propagate uplink status on the port. |
valueSpecs []ValueSpec |
Value specs are extra parameters to include in the API request with OpenStack. This is an extension point for the API, so what they do and if they are supported, depends on the specific OpenStack implementation. |
(Appears on: ImageParam)
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the referenced resource |
(Appears on: OpenStackMachineSpec)
Field | Description |
sizeGiB int |
SizeGiB is the size of the block device in gibibytes (GiB). |
BlockDeviceVolume BlockDeviceVolume |
(Members of |
(Appears on: OpenStackClusterStatus)
Router represents basic information about the associated OpenStack Neutron Router.
Field | Description |
name string |
id string |
tags []string |
(Optional) |
ips []string |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: RouterParam)
RouterFilter specifies a query to select an OpenStack router. At least one property must be set.
Field | Description |
name string |
description string |
projectID string |
FilterByNeutronTags FilterByNeutronTags |
(Members of |
(Appears on: OpenStackClusterSpec)
RouterParam specifies an OpenStack router to use. It may be specified by either ID or filter, but not both.
Field | Description |
id string |
ID is the ID of the router to use. If ID is provided, the other filters cannot be provided. Must be in UUID format. |
filter RouterFilter |
Filter specifies a filter to select an OpenStack router. If provided, cannot be empty. |
(Appears on: OpenStackMachineSpec)
SchedulerHintAdditionalProperty represents a single additional property for a scheduler hint. It includes a Name to identify the property and a Value that can be of various types.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the scheduler hint property. It is a unique identifier for the property. |
value SchedulerHintAdditionalValue |
Value is the value of the scheduler hint property, which can be of various types (e.g., bool, string, int). The type is indicated by the Value.Type field. |
(Appears on: SchedulerHintAdditionalProperty)
SchedulerHintAdditionalValue represents the value of a scheduler hint property. The value can be of various types: Bool, String, or Number. The Type field indicates the type of the value being used.
Field | Description |
type SchedulerHintValueType |
Type represents the type of the value. Valid values are Bool, String, and Number. |
bool bool |
Bool is the boolean value of the scheduler hint, used when Type is “Bool”. This field is required if type is ‘Bool’, and must not be set otherwise. |
number int |
Number is the integer value of the scheduler hint, used when Type is “Number”. This field is required if type is ‘Number’, and must not be set otherwise. |
string string |
String is the string value of the scheduler hint, used when Type is “String”. This field is required if type is ‘String’, and must not be set otherwise. |
(Appears on: SchedulerHintAdditionalValue)
SchedulerHintValueType is the type that represents allowed values for the Type field.
Value | Description |
"Bool" |
"Number" |
"String" |
(Appears on: SecurityGroupParam)
SecurityGroupFilter specifies a query to select an OpenStack security group. At least one property must be set.
Field | Description |
name string |
description string |
projectID string |
FilterByNeutronTags FilterByNeutronTags |
(Members of |
(Appears on: OpenStackMachineSpec, PortOpts)
SecurityGroupParam specifies an OpenStack security group. It may be specified by ID or filter, but not both.
Field | Description |
id string |
ID is the ID of the security group to use. If ID is provided, the other filters cannot be provided. Must be in UUID format. |
filter SecurityGroupFilter |
Filter specifies a query to select an OpenStack security group. If provided, cannot be empty. |
(Appears on: ManagedSecurityGroups)
SecurityGroupRuleSpec represent the basic information of the associated OpenStack Security Group Role. For now this is only used for the allNodesSecurityGroupRules but when we add other security groups, we’ll need to add a validation because Remote* fields are mutually exclusive.
Field | Description |
name string |
name of the security group rule. It’s used to identify the rule so it can be patched and will not be sent to the OpenStack API. |
description string |
description of the security group rule. |
direction string |
direction in which the security group rule is applied. The only values allowed are “ingress” or “egress”. For a compute instance, an ingress security group rule is applied to incoming (ingress) traffic for that instance. An egress rule is applied to traffic leaving the instance. |
etherType string |
etherType must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the ingress or egress rules. |
portRangeMin int |
portRangeMin is a number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this value must be less than or equal to the value of the portRangeMax attribute. |
portRangeMax int |
portRangeMax is a number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. The portRangeMin attribute constrains the portRangeMax attribute. |
protocol string |
protocol is the protocol that is matched by the security group rule. |
remoteGroupID string |
remoteGroupID is the remote group ID to be associated with this security group rule. You can specify either remoteGroupID or remoteIPPrefix or remoteManagedGroups. |
remoteIPPrefix string |
remoteIPPrefix is the remote IP prefix to be associated with this security group rule. You can specify either remoteGroupID or remoteIPPrefix or remoteManagedGroups. |
remoteManagedGroups []ManagedSecurityGroupName |
remoteManagedGroups is the remote managed groups to be associated with this security group rule. You can specify either remoteGroupID or remoteIPPrefix or remoteManagedGroups. |
(Appears on: OpenStackClusterStatus)
SecurityGroupStatus represents the basic information of the associated OpenStack Neutron Security Group.
Field | Description |
name string |
name of the security group |
id string |
id of the security group |
(Appears on: ServerGroupParam)
ServerGroupFilter specifies a query to select an OpenStack server group. At least one property must be set.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of a server group to look for. |
(Appears on: OpenStackMachineSpec)
ServerGroupParam specifies an OpenStack server group. It may be specified by ID or filter, but not both.
Field | Description |
id string |
ID is the ID of the server group to use. |
filter ServerGroupFilter |
Filter specifies a query to select an OpenStack server group. If provided, it cannot be empty. |
(Appears on: OpenStackMachineSpec)
Field | Description |
key string |
Key is the server metadata key |
value string |
Value is the server metadata value |
(Appears on: NetworkStatusWithSubnets)
Subnet represents basic information about the associated OpenStack Neutron Subnet.
Field | Description |
name string |
id string |
cidr string |
tags []string |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: SubnetParam)
SubnetFilter specifies a filter to select a subnet. At least one parameter must be specified.
Field | Description |
name string |
description string |
projectID string |
ipVersion int |
gatewayIP string |
cidr string |
ipv6AddressMode string |
ipv6RAMode string |
FilterByNeutronTags FilterByNeutronTags |
(Members of |
(Appears on: APIServerLoadBalancer, ExternalRouterIPParam, FixedIP, OpenStackClusterSpec)
SubnetParam specifies an OpenStack subnet to use. It may be specified by either ID or filter, but not both.
Field | Description |
id string |
ID is the uuid of the subnet. It will not be validated. |
filter SubnetFilter |
Filter specifies a filter to select the subnet. It must match exactly one subnet. |
(Appears on: OpenStackClusterSpec)
Field | Description |
cidr string |
CIDR is representing the IP address range used to create the subnet, e.g. This field is required when defining a subnet. |
dnsNameservers []string |
DNSNameservers holds a list of DNS server addresses that will be provided when creating the subnet. These addresses need to have the same IP version as CIDR. |
allocationPools []AllocationPool |
AllocationPools is an array of AllocationPool objects that will be applied to OpenStack Subnet being created. If set, OpenStack will only allocate these IPs for Machines. It will still be possible to create ports from outside of these ranges manually. |
(Appears on: ResolvedPortSpecFields)
ValueSpec represents a single value_spec key-value pair.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the key-value pair. This is just for identifying the pair and will not be sent to the OpenStack API. |
key string |
Key is the key in the key-value pair. |
value string |
Value is the value in the key-value pair. |
(Appears on: VolumeAvailabilityZone)
VolumeAZName is the name of a volume availability zone. It may not contain spaces.
(Appears on: VolumeAvailabilityZone)
VolumeAZSource specifies where to obtain the availability zone for a volume.
Value | Description |
"Machine" |
"Name" |
(Appears on: BlockDeviceVolume)
VolumeAvailabilityZone specifies the availability zone for a volume.
Field | Description |
from VolumeAZSource |
From specifies where we will obtain the availability zone for the volume. The options are “Name” and “Machine”. If “Name” is specified then the Name field must also be specified. If “Machine” is specified the volume will use the value of FailureDomain, if any, from the associated Machine. |
name VolumeAZName |
Name is the name of a volume availability zone to use. It is required if From is “Name”. The volume availability zone name may not contain spaces. |
Generated with gen-crd-api-reference-docs
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- Development Guide
Development Guide
This document explains how to develop Cluster API Provider OpenStack (CAPO). Note that CAPO depends on ORC. No matter how you choose to work, you will need to deploy ORC in order to make CAPO functional:
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/k-orc/openstack-resource-controller/releases/latest/download/install.yaml
TL;DR: Here is a short version for how to develop with Tilt:
- Create a devstack
- Run tilt, configured through the Cluster API repository
- Install ORC
- Create a secret with the clouds.yaml to match the devstack
- Add images to the devstack
# Create Devstack
export RESOURCE_TYPE=...
# Start tilt (separate terminal in cluster-api repo)
# NOTE: Configure tilt-settings.yaml first! See below.
make tilt-up
# Back in CAPO repo
# Install ORC
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/k-orc/openstack-resource-controller/releases/latest/download/install.yaml
# Create secret with clouds.yaml (the file is created by create_devstack.sh)
kubectl create secret generic dev-test-cloud-config --from-file=clouds.yaml
# Add images to use in the tests
clusterctl generate yaml --from templates/image-template-node.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
clusterctl generate yaml --from templates/image-template-bastion.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
At this point, you should be able to apply the dev-test
ClusterClass and start creating/deleting development
clusters through the Tilt UI.
Using your own capi-openstack controller image for testing cluster creation or deletion
You need to create your own openstack-capi controller image for testing cluster creation or deletion by your code. The image is stored in the docker registry. You need to create an account of Docker registry in advance.
Building and upload your own capi-openstack controller image
Log in to your registry account. Export the following environment variables which will be used by the Makefile.
Variable | Meaning | Mandatory | Example |
REGISTRY | The registry name | Yes | docker.io/<username> |
IMAGE_NAME | The image name (default: capi-openstack-controller) | No | capi-openstack-controller |
TAG | The image version (default: dev) | No | latest |
Execute the command to build and upload the image to the Docker registry.
make docker-build docker-push
Using your own capi-openstack controller image
After generating infrastructure-components.yaml
, replace the us.gcr.io/k8s-artifacts-prod/capi-openstack/capi-openstack-controller:v0.3.4
with your image.
Automatically Adding Images to OpenStack
Before you can create a Cluster, you will need a suitable image in OpenStack.
There are convenient templates available in templates/image-template-*.yaml
for this purpose.
For example:
clusterctl generate yaml --from templates/image-template-node.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
Testing Cluster Creation using the ‘dev-test’ ClusterClass with Tilt
This guide demonstrates how to create a Kubernetes cluster using a ClusterClass, specifically designed for a development environment. It includes configuring secrets, applying the ClusterClass, and creating a cluster with Tilt.
The dev-test
ClusterClass is designed for development.
This means that it is using the latest (potentially unstable) API version.
The defaults are also aligned with the devstack setup (documented below) to make it as easy as possible to use in a development flow.
However, this also means that it may not be well suited for general usage.
Developing with Tilt
We have support for using Tilt for rapid iterative development. Please visit the Cluster API documentation on Tilt for information on how to set up your development environment.
The Tiltfile
in the Cluster API repository can be used as is with CAPO, but we need to add some configuration.
For using Tilt with ClusterClass, update your tilt-settings.yaml
file (located in the root of the CAPI repository) as described:
# Make Tilt aware of the CAPO templates
- ../cluster-api-provider-openstack/templates
# [Optional] SSH Keypair Name for Instances in OpenStack (Default: "")
OPENSTACK_SSH_KEY_NAME: "<openstack_keypair_name>"
# [Optional] Control Plane Machine Flavor (Default: m1.medium)
OPENSTACK_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_FLAVOR: "<openstack_control_plane_machine_flavor>"
# [Optional] Node Machine Flavor (Default: m1.small)
OPENSTACK_NODE_MACHINE_FLAVOR: "<openstack_node_machine_flavor>"
# [Optional] OpenStack Cloud Environment (Default: capo-e2e)
OPENSTACK_CLOUD: "<openstack_cloud>"
# See templates/cluster-template-development.yaml and
# templates/clusterclass-dev-test.yaml for more variables.
# [Optional] Automatically apply a kustomization, e.g. for adding the clouds.yaml secret
secret_kustomization: /path/to/kustomize/secret/configuration
Apply ClusterClass and create Cluster
When you are happy with the configuration, start the environment as explained in the CAPI documentation.
Open the Tilt dashboard in your browser.
After a while, you should be able to find resources called CAPO.clusterclasses
and CAPO.templates
These shoud correspond to what exists in the templates
folder and you should see widgets for applying and deleting them.
Note: When you apply a cluster template, there will be a KUBERNETES_VERSION
Make sure that the image or sysext overlay you use exists for and works with that version!
Note: All clusters created from the dev-test ClusterClass will require a secret named dev-test-cloud-config
with the clouds.yaml
to be used by CAPO for interacting with OpenStack.
You can create it manually or see below how to make Tilt automate it.
Automatically applying kustomizations with Tilt
This explains how to automatically create the secret containing clouds.yaml
The same procedure can be used for any other things you want to create in the cluster.
Ensure the specified path (/path/to/kustomize/secret/configuration
) contains both the clouds.yaml
file and a kustomization.yaml
file. The kustomization.yaml
should define the necessary resources, such as a Kubernetes secret, using the clouds.yaml
For example, if you want to automatically create a secret named dev-test-cloud-config
with the content of your clouds.yaml
every time you do tilt up
, you could do the following.
Create a folder to hold the kustomization.
We will use /tmp/capo-dev
as example here.
Add the clouds.yaml
file that you want to use to the folder.
It could look something like this:
username: demo
password: secretadmin
# If using application credentials you would have something like this instead:
# auth_type: v3applicationcredential
# application_credential_id: abc123
# application_credential_secret: 456def
user_domain_id: default
auth_url: https://example.com/identity
domain_id: default
project_name: demo
verify: false
region_name: RegionOne
Create a kustomization file named kustomization.yaml
in the same folder:
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
# Do not add random hash to the end of the secret name
disableNameSuffixHash: true
- files:
- clouds.yaml
name: dev-test-cloud-config
type: Opaque
If you now add /tmp/capo-dev
to the additional_kustomizations
, tilt will automatically apply
the secret.
To check that the kustomization produces the desired output, do kustomize build /tmp/capo-dev
Using the ‘dev-test’ ClusterClass without Tilt
If you want to use the ClusterClass without Tilt, you will need to follow these steps instead of the above.
Creating a Kind Cluster
Create a Kind cluster and deploy CAPO.
Note: As the dev-test ClusterClass is made for development, it may be using a newer API version than what is in the latest release. You will need to use local artifacts for this to work in most cases!
kind create cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure openstack
Secret Configuration
CAPO needs a clouds.yaml file in order to manage the OpenStack resources needed for the Cluster. This should be supplied as a secret named dev-test-cloud-config
. You can create this secret for example with:
kubectl create secret generic dev-test-cloud-config --from-file=clouds.yaml
Apply the ClusterClass and create Clusters
You can use clusterctl
to render the ClusterClass:
clusterctl generate yaml --from templates/clusterclass-dev-test.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
Create a cluster using the development template, that makes use of the ClusterClass:
clusterctl generate cluster my-cluster --kubernetes-version=v1.29.0 --from templates/cluster-template-development.yaml > my-cluster.yaml
kubectl apply -f my-cluster.yaml
Running E2E tests locally
You can run the E2E tests locally with:
make test-e2e OPENSTACK_CLOUD_YAML_FILE=/path/to/clouds.yaml OPENSTACK_CLOUD=mycloud
where mycloud
is an entry in clouds.yaml
The E2E tests:
- Build a CAPO image from the local working directory
- Create a kind cluster locally
- Deploy downloaded CAPI, and locally-build CAPO to kind
- Create an e2e namespace per-test on the kind cluster
- Deploy cluster templates to the test namespace
- Create test clusters on the target OpenStack
Support for clouds using SSL
If your cloud requires a cacert you must also pass this to make via OPENSTACK_CLOUD_CACERT_B64
, i.e.:
make test-e2e OPENSTACK_CLOUD_YAML_FILE=/path/to/clouds.yaml OPENSTACK_CLOUD=my_cloud \
OPENSTACK_CLOUD_CACERT_B64=$(base64 -w0 /path/to/mycloud-ca.crt)
CAPO deployed in the local kind cluster will automatically pick up a cacert
defined in your clouds.yaml
so you will see servers created in OpenStack without specifying OPENSTACK_CLOUD_CACERT_B64
. However, the cacert won’t be deployed to those servers, so kubelet will fail to start.
Support for clouds with multiple external networks
If your cloud contains only a single external network CAPO will automatically select that network for use by a deployed cluster. However, if there are multiple external networks CAPO will log an error and fail to create any machines. In this case you must pass the id of an external network to use explicitly with OPENSTACK_EXTERNAL_NETWORK_ID
, i.e.:
make test-e2e OPENSTACK_CLOUD_YAML_FILE=/path/to/clouds.yaml OPENSTACK_CLOUD=my_cloud \
must be specified as a uuid. Specifying by name is not supported.
You can list available external networks with:
$ openstack network list --external
| ID | Name | Subnets |
| 27635f93-583d-454e-9c6d-3d305e7f8a22 | external | be64cd07-f8b7-4705-8446-26b19eab3914 |
| cf2e83dc-545d-490f-9f9c-4e90927546f2 | hostonly | ec95befe-72f4-4af6-a263-2aec081f47d3 |
E2E test environment
The test suite is executed in an existing OpenStack environment. You can create and manage this environment yourself or use the hacking CI scripts to provision an environment with DevStack similar to the one used for continuous integration.
The file test/e2e/data/e2e_conf.yaml
and the test templates under test/e2e/data/infrastructure-openstack
reference several OpenStack resources which must exist before running the test:
- System requirements
- Multiple nodes
: 16 CPUs / 64 GB RAMworker
: 8 CPUs / 32 GB RAM
- Availability zones (for multi-AZ tests)
: used by all test casestestaz2
: used by multi-az test case
- Services (Additional services to be enabled)
- Octavia
- Network trunking (neutron-trunk)
- see Configration for more details.
- Glance images
- Download from https://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/obtain-images.html
- Download from https://storage.googleapis.com/artifacts.k8s-staging-capi-openstack.appspot.com/test/ubuntu/2022-12-05/ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.23.10.qcow2
- Or generate using the
directory from https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/image-builder- Boot volume size must be less than 15GB
- Flavors
: used by control planem1.small
: used by workersm1.tiny
: used by bastion
- clouds.yaml
: for general user authorizationcapo-e2e-admin
: for administrator user authorization- i.e.:
clouds: capo-e2e: auth: auth_url: http://Node-Address/identity project_name: demo project_domain_name: Default user_domain_name: Default username: demo password: secret region_name: RegionOne capo-e2e-admin: auth: auth_url: http://Node-Address/identity project_name: demo project_domain_name: Default user_domain_name: Default username: admin password: secret region_name: RegionOne
Create E2E test environment
You can easily create a test environment similar to the one used during continuous integration on OpenStack, AWS or GCE with the hacking CI scripts.
The entry point for the creation of the DevStack environment is the create_devstack.sh script, which executes specific scripts to create infrastructure on different clouds:
- AWS: aws-project.sh
- GCE: gce-project.sh
- OpenStack: openstack.sh
- Libvirt: libvirt.sh
You can switch between these cloud providers, by setting the RESOURCE_TYPE
environment variable to aws-project
, gce-project
, openstack
or libvirt
Configure the following environment variables for OpenStack:
export RESOURCE_TYPE="openstack"
export OS_CLOUD=<your cloud>
export OPENSTACK_FLAVOR_controller=<flavor with >= 16 cores, 64GB RAM and 50GB storage>
export OPENSTACK_FLAVOR_worker=<flavor with >= 8 cores, 32GB RAM and 50GB storage>
export OPENSTACK_PUBLIC_NETWORK=<name of the external network>
export OPENSTACK_SSH_KEY_NAME=<your ssh key-pair name>
export SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE=/home/user/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
export SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=/home/user/.ssh/id_ed25519
and create the environment by running:
Here’s a few notes to setup a DevStack environment and debug ressources (tested on m3.small
from Equinix Metal: https://deploy.equinix.com/product/servers/m3-small/)
Server side
As a root user, install and configure DevStack:
# useradd -s /bin/bash -d /opt/stack -m stack
# chmod +x /opt/stack
# echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | tee /etc/sudoers.d/stack
# sudo -u stack -i
$ git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/devstack
$ cd devstack
$ cat > local.conf <<EOF
# Enable Logging
enable_service rabbit
enable_plugin neutron $GIT_BASE/openstack/neutron
# Octavia supports using QoS policies on the VIP port:
enable_service q-qos
enable_service placement-api placement-client
# Octavia services
enable_plugin octavia $GIT_BASE/openstack/octavia master
enable_plugin octavia-dashboard $GIT_BASE/openstack/octavia-dashboard
enable_plugin ovn-octavia-provider $GIT_BASE/openstack/ovn-octavia-provider
enable_plugin octavia-tempest-plugin $GIT_BASE/openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin
enable_service octavia o-api o-cw o-hm o-hk o-da
# Cinder
enable_service c-api c-vol c-sch
$ ./stack.sh
If you want to enable web-download (i.e import images from URL):
# /etc/glance/glance-api.conf
show_multiple_locations = True
# ./horizon/openstack_dashboard/defaults.py
# /etc/glance/glance-image-import.conf
image_import_plugins = ['image_decompression']
$ sudo systemctl restart devstack@g-api.service apache2
With this dev setup, it might be useful to enable DHCP for the public subnet:
Admin > Network > Networks > public
> Subnets > public-subnet
> Edit Subnet > Subnet Details > :ballot_box_with_check: Enable DHCP + Add DNS
CAPO side
To work with this setup, it takes an update of the test/e2e/data/e2e_conf.yaml
file. (NOTE: You can decide to update the m1.small flavor to avoid changing it)
diff --git a/test/e2e/data/e2e_conf.yaml b/test/e2e/data/e2e_conf.yaml
index 0d66e1f2..a3b2bd78 100644
--- a/test/e2e/data/e2e_conf.yaml
+++ b/test/e2e/data/e2e_conf.yaml
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ variables:
CNI: "../../data/cni/calico.yaml"
CCM: "../../data/ccm/cloud-controller-manager.yaml"
- OPENSTACK_BASTION_IMAGE_NAME: "cirros-0.6.1-x86_64-disk"
+ OPENSTACK_BASTION_IMAGE_NAME: "cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk"
OPENSTACK_CLOUD_ADMIN: "capo-e2e-admin"
@@ -144,10 +144,10 @@ variables:
OPENSTACK_CLOUD_YAML_FILE: '../../../../clouds.yaml'
OPENSTACK_IMAGE_NAME: "focal-server-cloudimg-amd64"
Before running a test:
- start
(https://github.com/sshuttle/sshuttle) to setup the network between the host and the devstack instance correctly.
sshuttle -r stack@<devstack-server-ip> -l
- import the tested image in DevStack by matching the name defined in
To run a specific test, it’s possible to fill this variable E2E_GINKGO_FOCUS
, if you want to SSH into an instance to debug it, it’s possible to proxy jump via the bastion and to use the SSH key generated by Nova, for example with Flatcar:
ssh -J cirros@ -i ./_artifacts/ssh/cluster-api-provider-openstack-sigs-k8s-io core@
Running E2E tests using rootless podman
You can use unprivileged podman to:
- Build the CAPO image
- Deploy the kind cluster
To do this you need to configure the host appropriately and pass PODMAN=1
to make, i.e.:
make test-e2e OPENSTACK_CLOUD_YAML_FILE=/path/to/clouds.yaml OPENSTACK_CLOUD=my_cloud \
Host configuration
Firstly, you must be using kernel >=5.11. If you are using Fedora, this means Fedora >= 34.
You must configure systemd and iptables as described in https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/rootless/. There is no need to configure cgroups v2 on Fedora, as it uses this by default.
You must install the podman-docker
package to emulate the docker cli tool. However, this is not sufficient on its own as described below.
Running podman system service to emulate docker daemon
While kind itself supports podman, the cluster-api test framework does not. This framework is used by the CAPO tests to push test images into the kind cluster. Unfortunately the cluster-api test framework explicitly connects to a running docker daemon, so cli emulation is not sufficient for compatibility. This issue is tracked in https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/issues/5146, and the following workaround can be ignored when this is resolved.
podman includes a ‘system service’ which emulates docker. For the tests to work, this service must be running and listening on a unix socket at /var/run/docker.sock
. You can achieve this with:
$ podman system service -t 0 &
$ sudo rm /var/run/docker.sock
$ sudo ln -s /run/user/$(id -u)/podman/podman.sock /var/run/docker.sock
API concepts
This sections goal is to gather various insights into the API design that can serve as a reference to explain various choices made without need to analyze discussions in individual PRs.
Starting from v1beta1 both OpenStackMachineStatus
and BastionsStatus
feature a field named referencedResources
which aims to include fields that list individual IDs of the resources associated with the machine or bastion. These IDs are calculated on machine or bastion creation and are not intended to be changed during the object lifecycle.
Having all the IDs of related resources saved in the statuses allows CAPO to make easy decisions about deleting the related resources when deleting the VM corresponding to the machine or bastion.
is a new resource introduced as v1alpha1. It is a representation of a server in OpenStack. It is used to manage the lifecycle of the server and to store the server’s status.
Both the bastion and the machine are represented by an OpenStackServer
Even if it’s technically possible for an user to create an OpenStackServer
object directly, it is not supported for now as there is no use case for it.
To get the list of OpenStackServer
objects, the user can use the following command:
kubectl get openstackservers
This object is immutable and is created by the controller when a machine or a bastion is created. The OpenStackServer
object is deleted when the machine or the bastion is deleted.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
Hacking CI for the E2E tests
CAPO tests are executed by Prow. They are defined in the Kubernetes test-infra repository. The E2E tests run as a presubmit. They run in a docker container in Prow infrastructure which contains a checkout of the CAPO tree under test. The entry point for tests is scripts/ci-e2e.sh
, which is defined in the job in Prow.
The E2E tests require an OpenStack cloud to run against, which we provision during the test with DevStack. The project has access to capacity on GCP, so we provision DevStack on 2 GCP instances.
The entry point for the creation of the test DevStack is hack/ci/create_devstack.sh
, which is executed by scripts/ci-e2e.sh
. We create 2 instances: controller
and worker
. Each will provision itself via cloud-init using config defined in hack/ci/cloud-init
DevStack OS
In GCE, DevStack is installed on a community-maintained Ubuntu 22.04 LTS cloud image. The cloud-init config is also intended to work on CentOS 8, and this is known to work as of 2021-01-12. However, note that this is not regularly tested. See the comment in hack/ci/gce-project.sh
for how to deploy on CentOS.
It is convenient to the project to have a viable second OS option as it gives us an option to work around issues which only affect one or the other. This is most likely when enabling new DevStack features, but may also include infrastructure issues. Consequently, when making changes to cloud-init, try not to use features specific to Ubuntu or CentOS. DevStack already supports both operating systems, so we just need to be careful in our peripheral configuration, for example by using cloud-init’s packages
module rather than manually invoking apt-get
or yum
. Fortunately package names tend to be consistent across the two distributions.
We configure a 2 node DevStack. controller
is running:
- All control plane services
- Nova: all services, including compute
- Glance: all services
- Octavia: all services
- Neutron: all services with ML2/OVN
- Cinder: all services, including volume with default LVM/iSCSI backend
is running:
- Nova: compute only
- Neutron: OVN agents only
- Cinder: volume only with default LVM/iSCSI backend
is using the n2-standard-16
machine type with 16 vCPUs and 64 GB RAM. worker
is using the n2-standard-8
machine type with 8 vCPUs and 32 GB RAM. Each job has a quota limit of 24 vCPUs.
Build order
We build controller
first, and then worker
. We let worker
build asynchronously because tests which don’t require a second AZ can run without it while it builds. A systemd job defined in the cloud-init of controller
polls for worker
coming up and automatically configures it.
Both instances share a common network which uses the CIDR defined in PRIVATE_NETORK_CIDR
in hack/ci/create_devstack.sh
. Each instance has a single IP on this network:
In addition, DevStack will create a floating IP network using CIDR defined in FLOATING_RANGE
in hack/ci/create_devstack.sh
. As the neutron L3 agent is only running on the controller, all of this traffic is handled on the controller, even if the source is an instance running on the worker. The controller creates iptables
rules to NAT this traffic.
The effect of this is that instances created on either controller
or worker
can get a floating ip from the public
network. Traffic using this floating IP will be routed via controller
and externally via NAT.
We are configuring OVN to provide default DNS servers if a subnet is created without specifying DNS servers. This can be overridden in OPENSTACK_DNS_NAMESERVERS
Availability zones
We are running nova compute
and cinder volume
on each of controller
and worker
. Each nova compute
and cinder volume
are configured to be in their own availability zone. The names of the availability zones are defined in OPENSTACK_FAILURE_DOMAIN
in test/e2e/data/e2e_conf.yaml
, with the services running on controller
and the services running on worker
This configuration is intended only to allow the testing of functionality related to availability zones, and does not imply any robustness to failure.
Nova is configured (via [DEFAULT]/default_schedule_zone
) to place all workloads on the controller unless they have an explicit availability zone. The intention is that controller
should have the capacity to run all tests which are agnostic to availability zones. This means that the explicitly multi-az tests do not risk failure due to capacity issues.
However, this is not sufficient because by default CAPI explicitly schedules the control plane across all discovered availability zones. Consequently we explicitly confine all clusters to OPENSTACK_FAILURE_DOMAIN
) in the test cluster definitions in test/e2e/data/infrastructure-openstack
Connecting to DevStack
The E2E tests running in Prow create a kind cluster. This also running in Prow using Docker in Docker. The E2E tests configure this cluster with clusterctl, which is where CAPO executes.
wrote a clouds.yaml
to the working directory, which is passed to CAPO via the cluster definitions in test/e2e/data/infrastructure-openstack
. This clouds.yaml
references the public, routable IP of controller
. However, DevStack created all the service endpoints using controller
’s private IP, which is not publicly routable. In addition, the tests need to be able to SSH to the floating IP of the Bastion. This floating IP is also allocated from a range which is not publicly routable.
To allow this access we run sshuttle
from create_devstack.sh
. This creates an SSH tunnel and routes traffic for PRIVATE_NETWORK_CIDR
over it.
Note that the semantics of a sshuttle
tunnel are problematic. While they happen to work currently for DinD, Podman runs the kind cluster in a separate network namespace. This means that kind running in podman cannot route over sshuttle
running outside the kind cluster. This may also break in future versions of Docker.